Showing posts with label NUTRITION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUTRITION. Show all posts

Saturday 19 March 2016

Natural remedy for hangover>>>>>

Often when we drink alcohol, we feel dizzy and tired the next morning. Depending on the quantity and the body mass, some experience a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

Hangover is unpleasant feeling one develop after excessive consumption of alcohol. These unpleasant feelings can last up to 24 hours and slow down your performances. As a general rule, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to have a hangover the next day. There is no drug for hangover but drinking responsibly can help avoid hangover.
 Alcohol hangover produces a variation of effect on individuals depending on the quantity u drink  and the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Hangover symptoms typically develop when blood alcohol concentration (BAC) returns to zero. 

 A limited number of experiments have studied biological changes that are present the day after excessive drinking, according to a recent study. Significant changes were reported on endocrine parameters (increased concentrations of vasopressin, aldosterone, and renin) and metabolic acidosis (reduced blood pH values due to increased concentrations of lactate, ketone bodies, and free fatty acids). 

A study conducted by Dr Lauren Owen and colleagues found that apart from physiological – they affect cognitive functioning and mood as well which may lead to numerous undesirable life consequences. 

 Hangover may produce such effect as 

  • Feeling of fatigue and general weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Stomach disorder.
  • Feeling of anxiety.
  • Ability to concentrate.
 The scientific cause of hangovers is still not well understood. While it is thought to be partly a symptom of dehydration, chemicals in the drink are also thought to play a role.
The main form of alcohol found in drinks is ethanol, which the body breaks down into chemical called acetate so it can be expelled from the body.
However, it can briefly form a toxic molecule called acetaldehyde during that process.
Hangover may go away on it's own. There is no magic pill to get over hangover but A team of international researchers from the Netherlands and Canada concluded, the only way to prevent a hangover is to drink less alcohol.

Some of the suggested remedies for hangover>>>

Drinking Water>>>Alcohol leaves you dehydrated and researchers have attributed some of the effects alcohol produce in the body to dehydration.Drinking water will make you stay re-hydrated. Other fluid may also help quench your thirst.

Ginger>>>The National Institutes of Health reveal early research that consuming a combination of ginger, tangerine pith, and brown sugar before drinking decreases nausea and vomiting.

Taking sugar content fluid. Studies show that fructose may speed alcohol metabolism, thus reducing the risk of a hangover.

B-Vitamins>>>B complex is beneficial as it aids the body metabolic process. Taking B-complex after the whole thing is likely to work out.

Exercises>>>>>>Engaging in light exercise can also work as it aids metabolism. Exercise stimulates the lymphatic system to excrete toxins and gets the blood flowing. 

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Sources: The Telegraph
              Mayo Clinic

Friday 18 March 2016

Can poor eating habit can hamper your sleep>>>>

Image result for pics of a man getting quality sleep>>>>>>Adopting a good eating habit and getting the required sleep contributes to health, however not eating right can disturb your sleep. Previous studies have linked a lack of sleep to overeating.  A group of researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania investigated how diets correlated with sleep patterns. Researchers found that certain nutrients may play a role in sleep duration. And they also concluded that people who eat a wide variety of foods (an indicator of an overall healthy diet) had the healthiest sleep patterns.

Michael Grandner is an instructor in psychiatry and member of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.  He said,"Although many of us inherently recognize that there is a relationship between what we eat and how we sleep, there have been very few scientific studies that have explored this connection, especially in a real-world situation". Grandner and his colleagues analyzed data from the 2007-2008 U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found that short sleepers (five to six hours a night) consumed the most calories, followed by normal sleepers (seven to eight hours), very short sleepers (fewer than five hours), and long sleepers (nine or more hours).

Very short sleep was associated with lower intake of a chemical called lycopene (which is found in red- and orange-colored foods, such a tomatoes), total carbohydrates and tap water. Short sleep was associated with lower intake of vitamin C, tap water, selenium (a mineral found in nuts, meat and shellfish) and higher intake of nutrients found in green, leafy vegetables (called lutein and zeaxanthin).
Long sleep was associated with lower intake of a substance found in chocolate and tea (called theobromine), a saturated fat called dodecanoic acid, choline (which is found in eggs and fatty meats), total carbohydrates, and a higher intake of alcohol.

"If we can pinpoint the ideal mix of nutrients and calories to promote healthy sleep, the health care community has the potential to make a major dent in obesity and other [health] risk factors,"  Grandner said.


Poor diet and lack of exercise quickens he aging process>>>

Image result for pics of Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur>>>>>According to research findings published in Diabetes, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise may speed up the aging of senescent cells, leading to an acceleration of diseases and conditions normally seen in older age. Researchers at Mayo Clinic believe there is a link between these modifiable lifestyle factors and the biological processes of aging after they carried out a research on mice which they grouped into two, feeding one group with a normal healthy diet while the other fed on a fast food diet ( food high in saturated fat and cholesterol, along with a sugar-sweetened beverage). Mice on fast food diet experienced unhealthy changes in their body weight and composition,  increasing their fat mass by nearly 300 percent over a month. Most of the fat accumulated in the midsection of the body, around the internal organs - an area associated with a number of obesity-related diseases.

The same mice were subjected to exercise and they showed reduction in body weight and fat accumulation. Those that ate fast food and did not exercise accumulated more senescent cells. Senescent cells are cells that contribute to diseases and conditions associated with age. The researchers believe the findings provide evidence that poor diet and lack of exercise can accelerate aging, not only at a clinically observable level but also at a biological and cellular level.

 The research was carried out by Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur, PhD, of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at the Mayo Clinic and colleagues. According to  LeBrasseur, attention to modifiable factors, such as healthy diet and exercise, can help.

 "Some of us believe that aging is just something that happens to all of us and it's just a predestined fate, and by the time I turn 65 or 70 or 80, I will have Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis."says Dr.  LeBrasseur.
 He stated that we don't need to be marathon runners, but we need to find ways to increase our habitual activity levels to stay healthy and prevent processes that drive aging and aging-related diseases.

 Source:Medical News Today

Thursday 17 March 2016

Is it advisable for pregnant women to take Vitamin A>>>>>

Image result for pics of vitamin A supplement>>>>>Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the liver. It plays an important role in cell growth, vision, and the immune system. It also helps with infection resistance and fat metabolism. According to World Health Oranization (WHO), vitamin A is important for visual health, immune function and fetal growth and development and the deficiency is a public health problem in many parts of the world. However,most studies have pointed out the effects of vitamin A during pregnancy.  Vitamin A, when taken during pregnancy, is helpful in cell differentiation and is an essential nutrient in a baby's development but Dr. Rothman said in an interview that national surveys had indicated that 2 percent to 5 percent of women of childbearing age consumed more than 10,000 international units daily.

 In 1995, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine published a study that showed strong evidence that approximately one out of every 57  pregnant women in the U.S. consuming greater than 10,000 International Units (IUs) of vitamin A (retinol) per day during the first 7 weeks of their pregnancy gave birth to children afflicted with some form of birth defect. According to BDF Newlife chief executive, Sheila Brown, the risks of vitamin A to fetuses are well-known.
She said the issue now was for women to steer clear of multi-vitamin supplements too, until they have made sure they do not contain vitamin A.

"Our big message to women of child-bearing age is to look at the packet and to avoid vitamin A like the plague," she said. Vitamin A, present in liver, is a "teratogen", which damages the development of cells in foetuses, leading to the developments of conditions like spina bifida, hydrocephalus and urinary tract malformations.

Dr Adeolu Arikawe, a General Physician  also advised pregnant women to avoid the intake of Vitamin A, as it could cause abnormalities in babies.He pointed out that it is important to educate pregnant women about the effect of Vitamin A, in order to have healthy babies.
“A pregnant woman should avoid the intake of Vitamin A in pregnancy as much as possible because it has been identified to be one of the causes of abnormalities in some babies,” he said.
The damage is usually done in the first few days or weeks of a pregnancy.


Arikawe told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that

Saturday 12 March 2016

Benefits of kola nut other than refreshment>>>>

Image result for kola nutKola nut is a seed from the kola tree, rich in caffeine which is native to tropical rain forests of Africa. In some parts of Africa, it is considered as a symbol of hospitality and kindness.  Kola nut contains about 2% caffeine, kolanin and theobromine . In the Eastern part of Nigeria, kola nut has emotional and cultural significance attached to it. Kola nut are offered to visitors and whenever a visitor is offered kola nut, it means he or she is welcomed. They are also used in traditional African folk medicine to cure stomach ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery, and other ills. However kola nut may have health benefits attached to it.

Kola nut improves digestion>>>>According to Dr. Dades Obed, an Abuja based Consultant General Surgeon, kola nut aid in digestion because it increases acid secretion.  Experts believe the active ingredient in kola nut is responsible for this. It also reduce constipation, bloating, cramping, and other, more serious, gastrointestinal issues.

Kola nut is a stimulant>>> By stimulating heart rate and increasing circulation, kola nuts are able to boost oxygenation to certain essential parts of the body, including the skin, extremities, organs, and even the brain. Kola nut is nervous system stimulant. Theobromine, a compound found in kola nut is thought to contribute improved mental alertness and concentration.

Performance enhancer>>>>>Caffeine which is contained in kola nut enhances performance. According to research, caffeine rapidly enters the bloodstream, reaching all the organs within 40 to 60 minutes causing physiological changes that last up to 6 hours in some people.

Kola aids in weight loss>>>>>Caffeine has been known to suppress hunger to a certain extent which is very good for people trying to lose weight. Kola nut aid metabolism and may also play a role in burning fat

Beneficial to patients with prostate cancer>>>>>A few researches have revealed that kola nut may be beneficial for treating prostate cancer. A nonsteroidal plant compounds present in Kola nut has the ability to induce death of cancerous prostate cells and may normalize prostate growth and function, according to an article published in 2009.

Other health benefits of kola nut may include boasting the immune system and helps in reducing high blood pressure.

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Obed explained that kola nut had its positive uses, including aiding digestion, because it increased acid secretion.

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Obed explained that kola nut had its positive uses, including aiding digestion, because it increased acid secretion.

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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Coffee may reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis>>>>

Image result for pics of coffee>>>>Drinking a cups of coffee everyday reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis according to research.
 Taking two more cups of coffee  may lower the risk of developing the liver condition by 44%, according to researchers at Southampton University, who analyzed nine studies that examined the relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of cirrhosis.

Liver cirrhosis is irreversible liver damage that is characterized by scarring which is mostly caused by excessive alcohol consumption, infections such as hepatitis B virus. In some parts of the world, including America, alcohol is the most common cause of cirrhosis.
 This is an important health issue as this is one of the leading causes of death. 

The research was carried out, using 43,000 participants from nine studies.Eight of the nine studies examined shows that  increasing coffee consumption by two cups per day was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the risk of cirrhosis. 

According to the leader of the research team Dr. O. J. Kennedy, coffee appeared to protect against cirrhosis and this could be an important finding for patients at risk of cirrhosis to help to improve their health outcomes. 

However, he noted that there a still wide range of study to investigate the wider benefits and harms of coffee before doctors can make specific recommendations to patients.

Image result for pics of glass of coffee pouring downAccording to the analysis, one cup a day could lower the risk of cirrhosis by 22%, researchers found, while two cups reduced the risk by 43%, three cups by 57%, and four cups by 65%. The study concluded 

However, Dr. Hillel Tobias, a liver specialist and chairman of the American Liver Foundation's National Medical Advisory Committee, says the possible preventative effects of coffee are not new. A 2015 reported cited a potential link between coffee's health benefits and cirrhosis prevention.