Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE. Show all posts

Monday, 17 January 2022

Finding a natural remedy for your stretch marks

 Stretch marks are often noticed  due to over stretching of the tissue of the body as in fat people, pregnant mothers etc.

 Stretch marks are lines developed on the layer of the skin. Anyone can develop stretch marks  although  some studies suggested that it affects women more than men. Some stretch marks are natural and are not associated to any health problem. However some people found it uncomfortable and irritating. The parts of the body that are affected by stretch marks includes, the breast, thigh, stomach. Buttocks. Dr Macrene Alexaides-Armenakas a dermatologist, noted that stretch marks are often associated with the rapid growth spurts (muscle or weight related) and high hormonal levels that occur during pregnancy (about 90% of women will get them sometime after their sixth or seventh month of pregnancy), puberty and bodybuilding. According to medicalnewstoday, they form in the demis or the middle layer of the skin when the connective tissues are stretched beyond the limits  of its elasticity. A study published in ncbi  also pointed out that stretch marks (striae)are indented streaks that often affect the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, back, breast, axillae and groin. The study further stressed that stretch marks  are classified according to the appearance or epidemiology, thus they are classified as 

Striae atrophilians (thinned skin)

Striae gravidarum (following pregnancy)

Striae rubrae(red)

Striae albae (white)

Striae nigra (black)

Striae caerulea (dark blue)

Striae are form of demal scarring associated with stretching of dermis. 

Causes of stretch marks

Genetic factors : Some studies have associated stretch marks with genetic factors

Medical condition  such as Marfan syndrome

Pregnancy Studies have shown that pregnancy stretch marks are common in younger women than older women.  Steretch marks occur during pregnancy as a result of stretched skin and a surge in hormones that weakens the skin fibre.  A study also reported that striae (stretch marks) are more prevalent in smokers than non-smokers.

 According to research, there is no parmanent cure for stretch marks but some home remedies can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and could help them fade more quickly. 

Remedy for stretch marks
Creams such that containes retinioc acid  a compound related to vitamin A may help to fade away the stretch marks by increasing collagen production. An article in Jama dermatology noted that application of tretinoin (Retinoic acid)i the clinical appearance of early, active stretch marks. The processes that are responsible for the clinical improvement remain unknown.

Sugar is used as a natural exfoliant for skin. Exfoliating the skin encourages the growth of new skin cells, which may help reduce the appearance of the stretch marks. Mixture of sugar and almond oil or virgin coconut oil can help remove the stretch marks. 

Bitter almond oil  One study shows that women who massage into the skin on their bellies during pregnancy had fewer stretch marks than those who just ust oil without massage.

Aloe vera gel can be used to effectively treat all kinds of skin conditions. A research published in pubmed showed that that Aloe vera and sweet almond oil creams are more effective in decreasing itching and erythema and preventing the spread of striae on the surface of abdomen. Stretch marks can also be treated medically using laser therapy, microdermabrasion, microneedling and other form of medical treatment that may help to reduce the severity of the mark.

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Sources: marks
        are stretch 
        to get rid of                   your stretch marks 


Saturday, 15 January 2022

The need to teach the younger ones sex education

 There is need for sex education especially among the adolescents. Adolescence is a period when the younger people tend to lend about rapid changes in their bodies and try to adjust to the changes. 

During this period, puberty sets in and many changes occur such as development of breasts in girls, onset of menstruation period. 

They also experience growth of hairs in their public areas, which most people believes is a sign that the individual is sexually matured. Therefore they need information about what is happening and how to take care of the changes. Most of them, at this time become emotional and inquisitive about what is going on.

 According to planned parenthood, sex education is highly quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and believe about these topics and gaining the skills that are needed one’s own sexual health. 

Sex education helps people gain the necessary information, skills to make the right decision about sex and sexuality. 

According to UNESCO, the aim of teaching children sexuality education is the equip them with the knowledge, skills attitudes, and  values that will empower them to realize their health, well-being and dignity; develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; understand and ensure the protection of their right throughout their lives. 

 UNESCO further stated in its website young people often receive confusing and conflicting information about relationship and sex as they make transition from childhood to adulthood and this had led to increasing demand from the younger ones for reliably information which prepares them for a safe, productive and fulfilling life. Sex education is important to help the younger ones to understand and accept the changes that occur during this period of transition into adulthood.

 Sex education may be formal, taking place in the classroom or it can also be informal, taking place outside the school environment. Parents and guardians are often faced with the challenges of creating environment to support the younger ones in their quest and to nurture good sexual health.

However, many people believe that give their children sex education will increase the chance of their involvement in sexual act.  Sex education helps people gain the necessary information, skills to make the right decision about sex and sexuality.

  A study noted that young people need to be provided with more balanced messages instead of informing them about the health risk and negative consequences associated with sexual activities.  The younger ones need clear information about sexual decision-making. 

 Sex education is needed to provide the adolescents with the opportunity to make a decision towards maintaining a better health and attitudes in life. One study pointed out that sex or sexuality education is an essential tool to help the younger ones learn about broad range of topics related to biological, socio-cultural and psychological perspective of individual beings as well as a key intervention to prevent and reduce sexual harassment, assault and abuse.

 They also need proper support not only to navigate the biological, social and cognitive transition of their life but also to prevent sexual harassment and abuse which are now increasing at an alarming rate. Young people should be assisted to develop a positive sense of their own sexuality by creating opportunities for them to consider all aspects of sexuaility, to ask questions, and to understand that there are adults who supportthem as they learn about this part of themselves.

  Teaching the younger ones sex education will also create the confidence in them and boldness to report the inappropriate physical approach from someone. In sex education, them will be taught about some parts of the body that need restriction with the reasons. They will also learn to say no to some certain offers made to them. 

 Click on the follow button to follow this blog or join our facebook page @chipelez to get more health information.

Sources: sexuality education is important sex education is important now more than ever

www.plannedparenthood,org/what is sex education? sexuality education:trainer’s manual

Photo: alamy stock photos

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Dealing with your hangover

Taking alcohol especially in large quantity can leave you with an unpleasant experience the next morning. These experience is called hangover. It is your body response to alcohol, says Dr.Roach. 

A hangover is the most common experienced effect of taking alcohol especially in a large quantity which is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, thirst and others.  The feelings of hangover can become unpleasant and can last up to 24 hours and slow down your performances. Hangover begins after  blood alcohol level starts to fall. According to experts the worst symptom occurs when it falls to zero. Excessive drinking of alcohol can throw off the balance of the chemical in the blood  and cause metabolic acidosis which is characterized by the increase in the level of acidity. 

It could be associated by symptoms such as nausea vomiting and fatigue. zero . A study published in the Harvad Health, several studies suggested that light and moderate drinkers are more vulnerable to getting a hangover than heavy drinkers . 

Dr  Robert Swift, a researcher at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Rhode Island in his  review, noted that hangovers are a form of alcohol withdrawal. A study conducted by Dr Lauren Owen and colleagues found that apart from physiological – they affect cognitive functioning and mood as well which may lead to numerous undesirable life consequences. Hangover may produce effect such as 

Feeling of fatigue and general weakness.



Nausea and vomiting.

Stomach disorder.

Feeling of anxiety.

Ability to concentrate.

Hangover may go away on its own. There is no magic pill to get over hangover but A team of international researchers from the Netherlands and Canada concluded, the only way to prevent a hangover is to drink less alcohol. However some researcher suggested that taking one or two drinks can help to cure the hangover, which they refer to it as ‘hairs of dog’.

Some suggested ways to deal with your hangover

Water:  One of the effects of alcohol in the body is dehydration.  Many authors blame the cause of hangover partly on dehydration effect produced by alcohol as there are Loss of fluid and electrolytes in the body. According to a research, Alcohol inhabits the release of vasopressin a hormone that decreases the volume of urine made by the kidneys. This means that alcohol produces a diuretic effect on the body. Due to this effect, , experts have advised taking a lot of water as to avoid dehydration.

B-vitamin: B complex is beneficial as it aids the body metabolic process. A study recently published in the clinical Medicine found out that people who consume greater amount of vitamin B and Zinc had less several hangover.

Juice or sugar content fluid:  According to a report in the journal endocrinology, alcoholic beverages can lower the blood sugar level.  Some studies show that maintaining adequate level of blood sugar could mitigate some of the bodily changes that occur with alcohol consumption, such as the build up of acid in the blood. Other suggested ways to cure hangover includes taking pain killers to reduce the symptoms such as headache. Getting enough sleep, taking a healthy breakfast the next morning – getting food in the morning after imbibing is the key to boosting blood sugar, Hair of dog which is taking some bottles of  alcohol to ease the hangover. However, ‘hair of dog’ is not accepted by many because it can lead to alcohol dependency which is an unhealthy habit. The bottom line is ‘just to drink less to avoid the hangover as there is no permanent cure’.

Click on the follow button to follow this blog or join our facebook page @chipelez steps to cure your hangover 6 best hangover cures(backed by science) 7 effective home remedies(supported by science)

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Drive safe during the festive period.

 Christmas is a time that most people travel to see their loved ones. The road is usually busy during this period as there are many vehicular and human movement from one place the other.

Cars24, stressed that safety on the road is of prime importance as road accidents are among the highest causes of death. The sector commander of Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Mr. Matthew Olonisaye, pointed out that research had shown that a good percentage of road crashes in Nigeria was due to human factor. 

Many believe that evil spirits are responsible for the road accidents during this period but FRSC Crop  Marshal Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi quickly dismissed the claim, saying  that increased human and vehicular movement and the struggle on the part of most people to travel to meet their loved ones are rather responsible for this.

 According to him, the available indices of casualties and deaths from road crashes were attributed to ignorance on the part of the motorist and also disregard for safety tips.  However, it is of great importance that that the road users to be more responsible on the road especially during this period of marked increase in vehicular and human movement.

 According to Dr. Oyeyemi, motorist should shun night journey, avoid rickety vehicles and obey all traffic rules to avoid crashes during the festivities. He also advised the motorist to always ensure that their vehicles are in good acceptable standards for safe driving and in transportation of passengers and goods.  

Road safety is the responsibility of the road users both the motorists and the pedestrians because 

It is the drivers that is in control of the vehicle

It is the choice of the driver to over speed

It is also the choice of the driver to get distracted by such activities such as conversation over the cell phones. However, taking some safety precautions on the road will allow you to arrive safely for the celebration with the loved ones

Here are some of the road safety tips according to experts.

Make sure your car is in road worthiness before embarking on the journey.

Do not overload the vehicle

Have a good rest before embarking on the journey to avoid fatigue and drowsiness on the way.

Always try to drive defensively.

Always wear your seat belt and ensure that everyone in the car is wearing theirs.

Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead .

Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drive while driving (always drive with clear eye).  According to the FRSC, alcohol related road crashes remain a global issue which has taken the front burner over the years.

Driving during the day preferably when you have a clear vision of other road users.  According to National High Way Traffic Administration, you are more likely to have a fatal accident at night than during the day.

Drivers should driver within the speed limit

Always obey the traffic lights and signs on the road.

Avoid overtaken a vehicle from the wrong side. Notify the vehicle before overtaken by horning.

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Sources: tips  boss has arrive lagos: says offers battle ready to enforce traffic rules safety tips on the road

Saturday, 18 December 2021

What purpose does public hair serve??!

Having ones public hair is a   personal   choice through sometimes it may be influence by some factor such as what your sexual partner wants.

 Some have their views that not shaving the private hair will make the  area  not  attractive  but  according  to  study  , shaving the public may expose the person to some risk from rashes, infections ,injuries  etc. . Public hair is one of the signs that show that one is mamature.

Andrew  Thompson an author, also stressed on that when he wrote that public  hair is the only way out of  ours fore- fathers announce to  mate that they are well matured sexually.
 Women shave their public hair because they believe their genitals look attractive after shaving and look more appealing to sexual partner. Researchers noted that public hair serves some benefits which is mostly regarded by Osterberg  EC and co in their study  as a  modification to sexual transmitted infection, and also lessens friction during sex. 
Experts at Avat gynecology pointed out that public hair serves as a barricade to the virginal blocking some bacteria and Infectious from entering the virginal. It also helps to regulate the temperature around the public area.
Public hair is hair that grows around the genital. According   to sherry  ross  MP, an Ob-gyntnat providence  saint  John’s  health center, public hair can act as a gatekeeper for  prevention dirt from entering the virginal. She also noted that it can also protect against friction from sex. Healthline also agrees that public hair serves a similar function to eyelashes or nose hair. That is, it traps dirt, debris, and potentially harmful microorganisms. Public hair can limit the amount of sweat around the public area which can be a medium for some bacterial such as streptococcus. 
Some clinician  associate freshly shaved public area and genitals to  vulnerability  to herp infection due to the microscopic wounds  begin exposed to public hair removal  naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind leaving microscopic open wounds.
In one 2017 study, people who reported grooming their pubic hair were more likely to also report having had an STI at some potheir lifetime, compared to non-groomers. Dr Gunter, gynaecologist and the author of The Vagina Bible, waxing or shaving  the public hair may do more harm than good.Marc Gloshofr , a dermatology   and the American  Academy of Dermatology  stressed that public hair prevents frictions during intenon-groomers.
Public hair may also keep the genitals warm, which is an important factor in sexual arousal. However it is good to always keep it low. 
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Sources:  The hair
www bmc womenshealth
                    Healthline/purpose of public hair
                   Vanguard news/warning:do not remove your public hair

Monday, 13 December 2021

How can the rising incidence of meth be cut down??

 Methamphetamine (mkpuru mmiri) as it is called on the street is  the trending hard drug especially among the youths in some parts of Nigeria that is causing havoc, rendering the users useless and causing premature death.

Methamphetamine is a powerful addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system.It is beleved  that the ability of this hard drug to release dopamine (pleasure) hormone is the reason  it’s high intake among the youth.

 A department of NDLEA once causioned about the devastating effect of the hard called mkpuru mmiri or crytal chunk as the street name. An article in dailyPost dated November 18, 2021, stated that according to the River state command of the  National  Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), methamphetamine known as “ice” or “mkpuru mmiri” in the local parlance is spreading fast in the state.  The NDLEA spokesman , Emmanuel  Ogbu Mgbade,  stressed  that the hard drug was being imported from the neighboring states such as Abia and Imo where the clandestine laboratories for the production of  methamphetamine have being discovered.

 In another news, dated 18th, Oct, 2019, DailyTrust recorded that the Anambra state command of NDLEA busted a methamphetamine manufacturing laboratory where methamphetamine was being produced. According to the state’s spokesman, the drug is capable of rendering people around the environment useless with serious health issues. Despite the effort to curb the raising use of this hard among the youths, the intake of these hard drug is still on the increase. 

Many workshops and seminars have been organized to sensitize the youth on the dangers of this trending hard drug.

Prof. Theresa Obiekezie, Anambra state commissioner  for youth Empowerment and Creative Economy in a workshop organized for the youths, pointed out that the rise in the abuse of the methamphetamine (mkpuru mmiri) has led  to death among the youths, resulted in the vandalism of public properties and has sparked various degrees  of violence among the youth. . Some punishments have being giving to the handiers as we have seen but still was not able to stop the growing incidence of this drug.

 The question is why is the use of methamphetamine  among the youths on the increase despite the dangerous effect of this hard drug? The Chief executive of a Lagos pharmaceutical company has the answer when responded to enactafrica according to him, the growing incidence of methamphetamine is mainly due to the depressed economic reality faced by the youths in Nigeria.

What shall be done to cut down the rising incidence of this hard drug because it has done more harm to the youths with nothing good to show.

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Sources: operanews/avoid mkpuru mmiri-Anambra commissioner issues a warning to the youth.

Http:// of methamphetamine spreading fast in River State.

Monday, 29 November 2021


 Side chicks we know is a woman kept by a man aside his main partner. Many men are of the view that side chicks only know how to do it well- like they know how to screw but lets not forget that car owner will never mishandle his car because he knows that if it breaks down, he will be the one to take the responsibility of fixing it up.

Wiktionary defines side chicks as African – American vernacular use to refer to a woman one dates in addition one’s girlfriend or wife usually in secret.

The name side chicks means a side placed by the side instead of the” main chick” which  is the wife or the girlfriend.  Side chicks may also refer to a woman or a lady engaging in intimate relationship with a man who is already engaged or committed to another woman.

A side chick does not care about the partner’s relationship even though they may or may not be aware but all they need is the fun and satisfaction they derive from their man. She is kept distance from home which means they have appointments, dates elsewhere away from the man’s home.  It can also be referred to as “bestie” especially if it is the woman that is keeping the man. 

 Pulse,ng refers to side chick as a hidden one, the force behind the scene that man cannot resist.

 They can also be referred as “sugar boy or girl” when the younger  lover is involved. Urban dictionary refers to it as the other woman or a mistress that is neither the male’s girlfriend or wife who is having an affair with the male notwithstanding the fact that the partner is in another relationship.

A popular Nigerian author and lawyer Reno Omokri once described side chicks as the death partner of many men stating that all they bring about is destruction. He further accuses side chicks of using the man’s desire for intercourse against him by destroying his home.

Most often, the relationship with the side chick is very confidential but in most cases, the man ends up falling in love with the side chicks which may hamper his original relationship if not handled well. This is when the man starts complaining about everything that the wife does, and may start avoiding the wife. In some cases. 

The side chick trys to get in control of the man’s life and threatens to expose the man if she does not get what she wants

Many has identify emotional convenience as some of the reasons for keeping a side chick – they believe that a side chick does not require much because not much is expected of you as the male folk. According to them, stress are lesser with side chicks. While others identify the issues of sex satisfaction.

 They noted that the side chick always gives one sexual satisfaction  like they know the styles and the positions to make the man go crazy and they can never say ‘No’ when the male folk is in need . It’s obvious that some men will always want “some more.” The question remains why the main partner can’t give them the extra?

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Sources: Opera news/find out the difference between side chicks and main chicks

      omokri advice on side chcks.

      exactly does  side chicks do better than main chick




 Methampethamime (mkpurummiri ) has become rampant especially among the youths in the South-Eastern part of Nigeria. This hard drug is not only limited to the youths of the South-Eastern part of Nigeria but others in different parts of the country.

  According to Enactafrica, United Nation Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) in 2018 estimated 89000 Nigerians to be taking methamphetamine.

It is now the trending story of the youths  and it is mostly known as mkpuru mmiri on the street but also has other street names such as “ice” . “Crystal meth” amongst others. 

 Mkpurummiri is a very addictive substance which has sent many youths to early grave while rendering others useless due to mental illness. Methamphetamine is a psycho-stimulant drug taken by the youth due to its euphoric effects on the body.

 It is taken for the pleasurable effects on the body of the user not regarding the fact that the drug kills an individual slowly. It affects the brain and triggers the release of dopamine (pleasure hormone). 

According to National Institute of Health, Methamphetamineine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system . 

A medical source pointed out that meth(mkpurummiri) ) is dangerous not only because it is composed of toxic substance but it severely dehydrate the body.

In 2019 NDLEA raised an alarm following the discovery of a laboratory in Anambra state where this hard drug(methamphetamine) was produced and sold.

 NDLEA Special Enforcement team commander Sunday Ziranyay reportedly said that Meth was a serious threat and that Nigeria risked turning into a narco-state.

 Despite the health implication/risks associated with this hard drug, its daily consumption is on the increase especially among the youths in the eastern part of the country. 

Also NDLEA commander in Imo state Mr. Nse Inam while recalling the achievement of the organization, lamented  increasing abuse of methamphetamine popularly known as mkpuru mmiri in Imo state by more than 10 percent.  

The Chief executive of a Lagos pharmaceutical company while responding to enactafrica, pointed out that the growing incidence of methamphetamine is mainly due to the depressed economic reality faced by the youths in Nigeria.

According to an article in  Aelicious, the introduction of mpuru mmiri has done more harm to our youths with nothing good to show. It also pointed out the high rate of kidnapping cultism armed robbery money rituals raping madness and other ugly stories since the existence of mpuru mmiri. 

9jainform shared the same view when it estimated the number of madness in the streets will be tripled in the next three years if nothing is done to curb the growing rate of consumption of mkpuru mmiri among the youths.

Commissioner of youth empowerment and creative economy, Prof. Theresa Obiekezie, at a workshop organized for the youth stressed on the increasing incidence of methamphetamine abuse and pointed out that it has destroyed many youths, led to vandalization of public properties, ignited various degrees of violence among the youth.

 Mkpurummiri  can be taken in various form, it can eaten or snorted up the nose and still, it can be mixed with a liquid and injected into the body with a needle. Crystal meth can also be smoked in a small glass pipe. 

Because mkpuru mmiri is a stimulant, it deprives the users of quality sleep needed for healthy living. Longer use of the drug can lead to fatality or death of an individual

Follow us on for more health tips and related information you need to know including the side effect mmiri

Opera news/mkpuru mmiri

Wednesday, 27 June 2018


Giving gifts is an important part of friendships and relationships. Gift giving is often the most obvious way a partner can show interest, strengthen a bond or even signal that a relationship should end. Some researchers believe evolutionary forces may have favored gift giving. 

Gift exchange is a major part of celebrating the holidays, but did you know the whole act of gift-giving can offer psychological benefits?

 Giving a gift is a universal way to show interest, appreciation, and gratitude, as well as strengthen bonds with others, sources say. When we give without expecting anything in return, we are improving our psychological health.

According to Lorna Byrne, a gift, no matter how small, is a statement that you care about someone. It is a gesture of love and peace that can make an enormous difference to a person.

Margaret Rucker, a consumer psychologist at the University of California, Davis, says men are typically more price-conscious and practical when it comes to the gifts they give and get, while women tend to be more concerned about giving and receiving gifts with emotional significance.

Acts of kindness are very important, but a gift endures in a way that an act of kindness doesn’t. It is something physical that can rekindle memories years on, according to a study.

They have found that giving gifts is a surprisingly complex and important part of human interaction, helping to define relationships and strengthen bonds with family and friends.

Psychologists say it is often the giver, rather than the recipient, who reaps the biggest psychological gains from a gift. 

People who stop giving gifts lose out on important social cues, researchers say. “Who is on your gift list is telling you who is important in your life,” Dr. McGrath said. “It says who is more important and who is less important.”

But the biggest effect of gift giving may be on ourselves. Giving to others reinforces our feelings for them and makes us feel effective and caring, Dr. Langer said.

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Sources: do you gift giving gifts is an important part of friendships and relationships.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

How much do you spend in love>

Love is the most beautiful thing in someone’s life and it’s also important. Love is a variety of different feelings and attitude ranging from interpersonal affection to pleasure.It is an intense feeling of deep affection.

Many times,when issue like this comes up, people feel that it is only the financial aspect of it but no it's not. 

Spending money in relationship is good but there other things are needed in relationship such as ' time'. How much time do you spend with the one you love? Also gift giving is a essential part of relationship because it makes people know they are appreciated.

 According to Odessey, there is nothing more beautiful and wholesome as the feeling of loving someone. 

Building a relationship and getting to know someone takes a lot of effort; and along with that effort comes a lot of money, according to readers digest.

These was also noted by Vix Leyton, Quido spokesperson when he said that while the best thing in life is love but the gesture to demonstrate it comes at a cost. 

The recipe for successful love requires giving, even the Bible recorded that because of the love God has for the world he sacrificed his son….John 3:16

According to Sprecher (2011), Friends are not only support systems, their opinions of your relationship predict your relationship success. . While many couples commit to spending time with their significant other, they also are committing to spending money.

People spend more while in a relationship than when they are single according to a survey in partnership with the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) and the love and relationship website

People spend more when buying someone for our partners.
People are more likely to overspend when purchases are 'symbolic of love and may try to avoid less expensive options.

“People’s buying behaviour changes when they’re making purchases out of love because it feels wrong to engage in cost-saving measures,” said Peter McGraw, lead author of the study.
“People abandon cost-saving measures when it comes to sentimental buys because they want to avoid having to decide what is the right amount of money to spend on a loving relationship.

The survey also finds that 25 percent of adults are much more to somewhat more likely to spend money on personal services and goods to make themselves feel or look better because they are in relationship. These services include clothing shopping sprees, gym memberships, cosmetics and visits to the spa or salon.

Another study conducted by Cashbook site, Quido showed that the happiest couple have average three date nights together a month, this include meals, drinks and cinema trips.

These have being cited as a major aspect of a good relationship, with the average happy couple spending three romantic nights in together per month. 

According to a dating and relationship coach, Kemi Sogunle, setting aside date nights will give you the opportunity to express your love and affection.

Professor Dunbar also pointed out that the intimacy of a relationship correlate very tightly with the frequency of your interactions with those individuals. “if you don’t see people, the emotional engagement starts to drop off and quickly”, said he.
Emotional connection is one of the key elements of any relationship, psychotherapist Toni Coleman told Business Insider in 2015.Relationship is all about sacrifices,the same way that God sacrificed his only son....The question is what sacrifice do you make for love? How much do you spend in love??

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theodesseyonline/cost of loving someone
sundaypost/how much does marriage cost

Monday, 18 June 2018

How do you deal with lonleliness

Loneliness is a universal human emotion that is both complex and unique to each individual. Loneliness, according to experts is not necessarily about being alone, rather it is feeling alone and isolated.

While some definitions of loneliness describes it as a state of solitude on being along, other have it as actually a state of mind.
Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone and unwanted.

According to Dr. Rebecca Band, people can feel lonely for different reasons – even if they are surrounded by lots of people. Loneliness refers to dissatisfaction with one’s personal relationships.

A write up in Medical News Today stated that loneliness is a universal human experience that can affect us as badly as any physical ailment.
Also, according to Fanny Howe, an American writer, loneliness is an uninvited and uncreated companion that “slips in beside you” without notice.

Loneliness is the absence of imperative social relations and lack of affection in current social relationship.
Studies indicate that roughly 205 of the general population suffer from chronic loneliness at any given time.

In an interview with Tim Adams, John Cacioppo noted that loneliness is contagious, heritable, affects one in four people and increases the chances of early death by 20%


According to research by Dr . John Cacioppo and his team, loneliness is strongly connected to genetics. Other contributing factors include situational variables, such as physical isolation, moving to new location, and divorce.

The death of someone significant in a person’s life can also lead to feeling of loneliness.
According to Guy Winch, loneliness is determined by quality of our relationship and not their objective quantity, and not just by whether we happen to be living with a spouse.

Human beings are social species which require safe and social surrounding to survive and impairment of these social relations can lead to loneliness, according to a study in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.

Loneliness can occur when people grieve the loss of someone closely attached to them. Various studies report that 865 of widows experience loneliness, however it decreases with increasing number of children and support system.

Children who are abused tend to have feeling of loneliness, according to a study conducted by Dhal et al, two third of the children are reported high level of loneliness and one third reported lower level of loneliness.

Weiss et al, reported that emotional loneliness is defined by the absence of an attachment figure while social isolation is characterized by absence of social network.
The reasons for feeling of loneliness is change in your life that make s you feel different about your relationship.


Many studies have pointed out that loneliness can lead to various psychiatric disorders and various physical disorders.
Numerous study have linked excessive feeling of loneliness to health issues such as difficult breathing, feeling of isolation, brain fog, stress, and obsessive behaviors.


   John Cacioppo, director of the University of Chicago’s center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, changing your mindset – a psychological strategy called “social cognitive retraining” – can be employed to combact loneliness or even to head it off before it becomes a problem. Researchers found loneliness can be passed from parents to child.

According to a researcher and assistant Professor at Harvard Business School, Ashley Whillan, sharing stories with people around about the change to being somewhere new might help normalize the feeling of making life changes hard, thereby promoting wellbeing.

According to Cacioppo, employing different relaxation techniques while alone can help you deal with and overcome the feeling. He also highlighted four steps that should be followed in dealing with loneliness which are Exend yourself, Action plan, Selection, Expect the best.For further reading on the steps in dealing with loneliness:Human nature and Need for Social connection by John Cacioppo.

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Sources: - wheel things when you feel lonely
Businessinsider.con/how to deal with loneliness

Sunday, 17 June 2018


Parenting involves providing care and affection to the children. Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.

American Psychological Association puts it that parenting practices around the world share three major goals: ensuring children’s health and safety, preparing children for life as productive adults and transmitting cultural values. A high-quality parent-child relationship is critical for healthy development.

According to Steinberg, a distinguished professor of Psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia, parenting is one of the most researched areas in the entire field of social sciences

Ruby Natel who is also a professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Miami medical school, pointed out that many people employ the same tactics their parent used and a lot of times that means using really harsh discipline.
She explains that a parent’s relationship with his or her child will be reflected in the child’s action – including behavior problem.

1 TREAT YOUR CHILD WITH RESPECT – The best way to get respectful treatment from your child is to treat him or her with respect, according to Steinberg.
He pointed out that children treat others the way their parents treat them. Your relationship with your child is the foundation for her relationship with others.

2 GOOD DECISION MAKING – If you don’t manage your child’s behavior when he is young he will have hard times learning how to manage himself when he is older” “The rules your child has learned from you are going shape the rules he applies to himself, according to Steinberg
Good decision making helps you to answer questions such as “where is my child?” “what is my child doing?” “who is my child with?”

3 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION – explain your decision and expectations you want your child to live up to, says Steinberg

Let the child know your decision and the reason. If your rules vary everyday in an unpredictable fashion or if you enforce them only intermittently, your child’s misbehavior is your fault. The more authority is based on wisdom and not power, the less your child is likely will challenge it, says Steinberg

4 ADAPTING A PARENTING STYLE TO FIT YOUR CHILD – According to the best available research, the best parenting style is the authoritative style which is the balance of firmness and nurturance.
The outcome are generally best for kids in terms of academic success, mental health, and good well – being when they are raised by parents that use authoritative style.

Good parenting involves a style that considers children’s age and development.

According to experts, families work well when they are guided by democracies or benign dictatorship. Someone has to be in charge of a family and it must be the parent.
Also be flexible and ready to adjust your parenting style when necessary

4 BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL – Young kids learn a lot about how to act by watching their parents. According to Steinberg, what parents do matters and make difference because your kids are watching you. Model the traits you wish to see in your child such as respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness e t c. There are some certain things you don’t do in front of the children because they will practice it when you are not around.

SHOW DISCIPLINE – As parent, you are responsible for correction and guiding your kids. Many a times, discipline is misinterpreted as punishment. Discipline is all about helping children learn morals and values in the family.
According to WebMD, discipline helps the children to follow rules. These will help them behave in an acceptable manner. Sometimes the children will want to test the limit you have set, discipline helps your kids to choose acceptable behaviors and develop self – control. Indeed discipline is very necessary in every house hold.

6 SHOW LOVE – Research over the decade highlights the link between affection in childhood health and happiness in future.

A researchers at Duke University Medical school found out that babies with very affectionate and attentive mothers grow up to be happier, more resilient, and less anxious adults. Another study in 2013 from UCLA found that unconditional love and affection from a parent can make children emotionally happier and less anxious.
The study said that a lack of parental warmth can make a child more stressed since parents put too much pressure on them without balancing it with affection. Children and mothers have strong bond when the mothers show more affection, according to a 2013 study from the University of Missouri – Colombia. Michou in her research suggested that parents should encourage their children to pick up new skills by being more affectionate and sensitive to their child’s issue.


Monday, 17 April 2017

Today's healthy tips for looking younger

Most people are scared of getting old but old age is inevitable. However, your activities determine how young or how old you look.

All you need to do is examine your everyday habits, not only do these habits determine how you look but also how healthy you are.

Our tips may help you to avoid while engaging in some activities for a desired result.
 1 Stop Smoking

Why smoking? Smoking can change your appearance by altering your teeth, hair, and skin. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that smokers who quit at 35 approximately add eight years to their life, compared with people who continue to smoke. Smoking affects the blood vessels, which deliver oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. When the skin is deprived of these essential nutrients, changes begin to develop, even at an early age. Studies suggest that smokers are more susceptible to the development of age spots.

 2 Regular Exercise

Many studies had shown that engaging in regular exercise helps to prevent age - related diseases and prolong life span. A new study from McMaster University in Canada found that exercise may reverse skin aging. According to Dr. Fusco, exercise improves healthy circulation, which allows skin to look its best.

3 Taking a balance diet

A diet brimming with veggies perks up your complexion, shows a study in PLOS One. When you want hair that looks healthy, you’ve got to start at the basics, and that means eating an adequate amount of protein to maintain normal hair production, says Kevin Pinski, MD, a dermatologist at Pinski Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in Chicago.
4   Good body weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for health. In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, it can also lower the risk of many different cancers. Through exercise, you can maintain you body weight.

 5 Avoid those things that stains your teeth

White teeth are seen as a sign of good health and youthfulness, says Emanuel Layliev, a dentist at the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry.

Astudy conducted by tooth care company Oral B, found that a whiter, brighter smile can make you look at least five years younger. Avoid tooth discoloration. 

 6 Get adequate sleep 

during deep sleep, the body produces greater quantities of estrogen and progesterone," says Dr. Pinski. These boost your skin’s natural repair mechanisms, so you look more radiant when you wake up. "The hormones also help prevent acne," he says. 

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Sources: for healthy look tips
  Harvad school of public health.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Staying healthy during the Easter holidays

Easter is one of the most celebrated periods especially among the Christians that commemorate the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

 During Easter period, many activities go on such wedding ceremonies, musical concerts, comedy shows, cultural festivals,and different celebrations. People in the city also travel home to celebrate with loved ones. During this period also, because of the many activities that go on, people let themselves loose and some engage in an unhealthy activities. Easter in Nigeria is fun with lots of activities and events lined up to celebrate the season. 
Having healthy Easter holiday is everybody's wish but how can we achieve this????
       To stay healthy during this period, these tips may be useful 

 1 Eating a healthy diet -

Good diet will help you stay healthy especially during the Easter busy period. Include fruits and vegetables in your meal as they are important sources of vitamins and minerals which are vital for proper body functioning. In addition, They are high in dietary fiber which is very important as it can provide the body with many health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Also try to include some fishes. This will provide you with omega-3 fats, which is very essential to the body and can help to prevent heart disease. Avoid too much of red meat to keep you cholesterol level in check. 
  2 Hanging out with friends -

sometimes the most effective way to relax is by spending quality time with your friends. it is always great to roam around with friends than just staying alone. Hanging out with friends is actually a healthy habit that can reduce your stress and tension. Studies also show social activities improve your mind. 

 3 Getting enough relaxation -

There are many relaxation centers that one may find worthy. Relaxation may be engaging yourself in mild activities such as reading novels, going to the beach, having fun with friends. Avoid strenuous activities that will spoil the holiday fun. Visit old time friends, Chat wit friends, go to the park together.

 4 Sipping some bottles of wine -

It is always healthy to take some bottle of wine depending on your capacity. Small quantity of alcohol in the body may have a positive health effect. Wine is good for relaxation and it carries many health benefits with it such as helping to reduce depression and having anti-aging property, according research. Palm wine is also good for the health as it has a refreshing effect and it is believed to relieve the body of fatigue.

 5 Having fun with family -

During the Easter period, some people found it more convenient to travel home. Spending sometime with the family is very essential as it has some health benefits such as boosting self confidence in the children. Having fun with the family is also an important part of building a strong family identity. Family relationship grows stronger as you  your spend time with family. Go on picnic with your family. Take the children to amusement parks. You can equally to on camping or hiking with your family members. This will have a positive impact on their mental ability.

6 Taking a good sleep -

Quality sleep is  an evedence of a  good healthy living. A good sleep is required by your body after a long busy day to reset and function efficiently.  Shakespeare viewed sleep as "nature's soft nurse", referring to it's restorative effect on the body.  yourThis revitalise the body and gets it back to the normal functioning. Depriving yourself of the required amount of sleep can lead to many illnesses.
Try to enjoy your holiday to the maximum, avoid distractions. Plan your activities and get a healthy meal too. 

Sources: having fun with your family is important of drinking wine

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Best ways to improve your Brain

A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment. You can train your brain just like you would your biceps to perform at a significantly higher level, says neuroscientist Michael Merzenich, Ph.D., a professor emeritus of the University of California San Francisco, and the creator of, a site designed specifically for getting your brain into better shape. According to Merzenich, no matter what your age or current intelligence level, that gray matter in your skull is constantly changing and evolving. Put a little work into it, he says, and your IQ, visual acuity, and ability to manage and process data (i.e., the stuff that makes you “smart”) can grow and improve right along with it. TIPS ON THE BEST WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR BRAIN 1 Mind what you eat What you eat affects how you think,” says Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, Ph.D., a professor of neurosurgery at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. “And eating a high-fructose diet over the long term may alter your brain’s ability to learn and remember information,” he says. In a study of almost 4,000 children, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers found that kids who were given a “traditional” or “health-conscious” diet consistently scored better on IQ tests than children fed a diet high in processed foods. Although the human brain grows at its fastest during the first three years of life, researchers say a clean, healthy diet is just as important after the brain is fully developed. Research also shows that omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for brain health. Fish is a particularly rich source of omega-3, especially cold water “fatty fish” such as salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring. 2 Exercise Scientists at the University of Illinois have proven exercise’s prowess at keeping the brain healthy. In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. The benefits of exercise come directly from its ability to reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors—chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, and even the abundance and survival of new brain cells Even more exciting is the finding that engaging in a program of regular exercise of moderate intensity over six months or a year is associated with an increase in the volume of selected brain regions,” says Dr. Scott McGinnis, a neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an instructor in neurology at Harvard Medical School. Also many studies have suggested that the parts of the brain that control thinking and memory (the prefrontal cortex and medial temporal cortex) have greater volume in people who exercise versus people who don’t. 3 Sleep Your brain isn’t just fresher after eight full hours of sleep. It also has more learning potential, and performs better than when it’s sleep deprived, according to studies. Research from the University of Notre Dame found that people who get enough sleep are also better able to remember visual cues and process emotional information than men and women who skimp on pillow time. Research from Harvard indicates that people are 33 percent more likely to infer connections among distantly related ideas after sleeping, but few realize that their performance has actually improved. When German researchers at the University of Luebeck gave a group of men and women between the ages of 18 and 32 a series of complex math problems to solve, they found that well-rested individuals were three times more likely to figure out the rule for solving the equations than those who weren’t getting enough sleep. 4 Social Interaction Studies show social activities improve your mind. Interacting with people challenges your memory, and forces your brain to stay nimble and grow,” says Pasinski. When psychologists at University College London analyzed brain scans from 125 college age students and then looked at their Facebook accounts, they found that the students with the most friends also had significantly larger brains, especially in the areas associated with memory and emotional response. As psychologist Daniel Goleman notes in his book Emotional Intelligence, “laughter… seems to help people think more broadly and associate more freely.” 5 Listening to music research has shown that listening to music while exercising boosted cognitive levels and verbal fluency skills in people diagnosed with coronary artery disease (coronary artery disease has been linked to a decline in cognitive abilities). In this study, signs of improvement in the verbal fluency areas more than doubled after listening to music compared to that of the non-music session. Several studies also found that playing video games stimulates the parts of the brain that control movement, memory, planning, and fine motor skills. 6 Learning new skills Pick something new each day—a cell phone number, a song lyric, a new vocabulary word, a favorite quote—and try committing it to memory, quizzing yourself every few hours to see how well you’re remembering it. “It may sound like a waste of time, but it’s an incredibly useful exercise,” says Marie Pasinski, M.D., a Harvard neurologist and author of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Boost your Brain Power. 7 Take some drinks In a study conducted at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in Italy, researchers found that 29% of people over the age of 65 who rarely drank during the course of their life experienced some form of mental impairment as they got older, compared with just 19% of people who drank moderate amounts of alcohol. Sources: Havard health publication

Friday, 14 April 2017

How do i stop my children from sucking their thumb

Thumb-sucking is normal in babies and young children, according to WebMD. Most babies and toddlers suck their thumbs. Babies have a natural urge to suck. This urge usually decreases after the age of 6 months. To many, sometimes thumb - sucking is a coping strategy. Accirding to WebMD, thumb-sucking can become a habit in babies and young children who use it to comfort themselves when they feel hungry, afraid, restless, quiet, sleepy, or bored. according to a report published in Pediatrics, children who sucked and bit their nails were far less likely to develop sensitivities to common allergens compared to children with neither habit. Thumb-sucking is an appropriate and useful behavior for very young children, as it allows them to comfort and entertain themselves, says Linda Goldstein, MD, a Washington pediatrician. Some view thumb - sucking as a bad habit and according to some pyschologists, bad habibs such as thumb sucking can be annoying to parents, but the habit must be dealt with, employing patient and love. Most experts agree that a thumb-sucker younger than 5 shouldn't be pressured to stop. Even when the habit lingers past infancy, thumb-sucking is rarely something to be concerned about. It doesn't indicate that a child has emotional problems or that he will still be sucking his finger when he's a teenager," says Sabine Hack, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. Experts said that prolonged thumb-sucking may cause the teeth to become improperly aligned (malocclusion) or push the teeth outward, however they recommend ignoring thumb-sucking in a child who is preschool age or younger. Dr. Mefoh Philips, a pyschologist at universty of Nigeris Nsukka, pointed out that most times these behaviours are just phasis not requiring any serious medical attention. He added that children eventually outgrow them, however managing them can be very difficult. "If you need a change in their habit, first of all you need to understand why your children are doing that," he said. According to him, bad habits would only turn permanent after being repeated on daily basis. According to Jerome Hines, the only proper way to eliminate bad habits is to replace them with good ones. Dr. Valentine added that to substitute the bad habit, the child must pick some thing that is likewise reinforcing and repeats it enough for it to become a habit. He advised parents to use a natural and logical consequences for the problematic behavior. Also Mrs. Nneka Ebele, said that if parents desire to break bad habits in their children, they should start by focusing on one or two of th bothersome and dangerous ones. Sources: Vanguard health WebMD