Tuesday 4 January 2022

Dealing with your hangover

Taking alcohol especially in large quantity can leave you with an unpleasant experience the next morning. These experience is called hangover. It is your body response to alcohol, says Dr.Roach. 

A hangover is the most common experienced effect of taking alcohol especially in a large quantity which is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, thirst and others.  The feelings of hangover can become unpleasant and can last up to 24 hours and slow down your performances. Hangover begins after  blood alcohol level starts to fall. According to experts the worst symptom occurs when it falls to zero. Excessive drinking of alcohol can throw off the balance of the chemical in the blood  and cause metabolic acidosis which is characterized by the increase in the level of acidity. 

It could be associated by symptoms such as nausea vomiting and fatigue. zero . A study published in the Harvad Health, several studies suggested that light and moderate drinkers are more vulnerable to getting a hangover than heavy drinkers . 

Dr  Robert Swift, a researcher at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Rhode Island in his  review, noted that hangovers are a form of alcohol withdrawal. A study conducted by Dr Lauren Owen and colleagues found that apart from physiological – they affect cognitive functioning and mood as well which may lead to numerous undesirable life consequences. Hangover may produce effect such as 

Feeling of fatigue and general weakness.



Nausea and vomiting.

Stomach disorder.

Feeling of anxiety.

Ability to concentrate.

Hangover may go away on its own. There is no magic pill to get over hangover but A team of international researchers from the Netherlands and Canada concluded, the only way to prevent a hangover is to drink less alcohol. However some researcher suggested that taking one or two drinks can help to cure the hangover, which they refer to it as ‘hairs of dog’.

Some suggested ways to deal with your hangover

Water:  One of the effects of alcohol in the body is dehydration.  Many authors blame the cause of hangover partly on dehydration effect produced by alcohol as there are Loss of fluid and electrolytes in the body. According to a research, Alcohol inhabits the release of vasopressin a hormone that decreases the volume of urine made by the kidneys. This means that alcohol produces a diuretic effect on the body. Due to this effect, , experts have advised taking a lot of water as to avoid dehydration.

B-vitamin: B complex is beneficial as it aids the body metabolic process. A study recently published in the clinical Medicine found out that people who consume greater amount of vitamin B and Zinc had less several hangover.

Juice or sugar content fluid:  According to a report in the journal endocrinology, alcoholic beverages can lower the blood sugar level.  Some studies show that maintaining adequate level of blood sugar could mitigate some of the bodily changes that occur with alcohol consumption, such as the build up of acid in the blood. Other suggested ways to cure hangover includes taking pain killers to reduce the symptoms such as headache. Getting enough sleep, taking a healthy breakfast the next morning – getting food in the morning after imbibing is the key to boosting blood sugar, Hair of dog which is taking some bottles of  alcohol to ease the hangover. However, ‘hair of dog’ is not accepted by many because it can lead to alcohol dependency which is an unhealthy habit. The bottom line is ‘just to drink less to avoid the hangover as there is no permanent cure’.

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Sources:www.health.havard.edu/7 steps to cure your hangover

www.healthline.com/the 6 best hangover cures(backed by science)

www.wedmed.co./hangover 7 effective home remedies(supported by science)

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