Sunday 16 April 2017

Staying healthy during the Easter holidays

Easter is one of the most celebrated periods especially among the Christians that commemorate the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

 During Easter period, many activities go on such wedding ceremonies, musical concerts, comedy shows, cultural festivals,and different celebrations. People in the city also travel home to celebrate with loved ones. During this period also, because of the many activities that go on, people let themselves loose and some engage in an unhealthy activities. Easter in Nigeria is fun with lots of activities and events lined up to celebrate the season. 
Having healthy Easter holiday is everybody's wish but how can we achieve this????
       To stay healthy during this period, these tips may be useful 

 1 Eating a healthy diet -

Good diet will help you stay healthy especially during the Easter busy period. Include fruits and vegetables in your meal as they are important sources of vitamins and minerals which are vital for proper body functioning. In addition, They are high in dietary fiber which is very important as it can provide the body with many health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Also try to include some fishes. This will provide you with omega-3 fats, which is very essential to the body and can help to prevent heart disease. Avoid too much of red meat to keep you cholesterol level in check. 
  2 Hanging out with friends -

sometimes the most effective way to relax is by spending quality time with your friends. it is always great to roam around with friends than just staying alone. Hanging out with friends is actually a healthy habit that can reduce your stress and tension. Studies also show social activities improve your mind. 

 3 Getting enough relaxation -

There are many relaxation centers that one may find worthy. Relaxation may be engaging yourself in mild activities such as reading novels, going to the beach, having fun with friends. Avoid strenuous activities that will spoil the holiday fun. Visit old time friends, Chat wit friends, go to the park together.

 4 Sipping some bottles of wine -

It is always healthy to take some bottle of wine depending on your capacity. Small quantity of alcohol in the body may have a positive health effect. Wine is good for relaxation and it carries many health benefits with it such as helping to reduce depression and having anti-aging property, according research. Palm wine is also good for the health as it has a refreshing effect and it is believed to relieve the body of fatigue.

 5 Having fun with family -

During the Easter period, some people found it more convenient to travel home. Spending sometime with the family is very essential as it has some health benefits such as boosting self confidence in the children. Having fun with the family is also an important part of building a strong family identity. Family relationship grows stronger as you  your spend time with family. Go on picnic with your family. Take the children to amusement parks. You can equally to on camping or hiking with your family members. This will have a positive impact on their mental ability.

6 Taking a good sleep -

Quality sleep is  an evedence of a  good healthy living. A good sleep is required by your body after a long busy day to reset and function efficiently.  Shakespeare viewed sleep as "nature's soft nurse", referring to it's restorative effect on the body.  yourThis revitalise the body and gets it back to the normal functioning. Depriving yourself of the required amount of sleep can lead to many illnesses.
Try to enjoy your holiday to the maximum, avoid distractions. Plan your activities and get a healthy meal too. 

Sources: having fun with your family is important of drinking wine

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