Friday, 18 March 2016

Poor diet and lack of exercise quickens he aging process>>>

Image result for pics of Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur>>>>>According to research findings published in Diabetes, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise may speed up the aging of senescent cells, leading to an acceleration of diseases and conditions normally seen in older age. Researchers at Mayo Clinic believe there is a link between these modifiable lifestyle factors and the biological processes of aging after they carried out a research on mice which they grouped into two, feeding one group with a normal healthy diet while the other fed on a fast food diet ( food high in saturated fat and cholesterol, along with a sugar-sweetened beverage). Mice on fast food diet experienced unhealthy changes in their body weight and composition,  increasing their fat mass by nearly 300 percent over a month. Most of the fat accumulated in the midsection of the body, around the internal organs - an area associated with a number of obesity-related diseases.

The same mice were subjected to exercise and they showed reduction in body weight and fat accumulation. Those that ate fast food and did not exercise accumulated more senescent cells. Senescent cells are cells that contribute to diseases and conditions associated with age. The researchers believe the findings provide evidence that poor diet and lack of exercise can accelerate aging, not only at a clinically observable level but also at a biological and cellular level.

 The research was carried out by Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur, PhD, of the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at the Mayo Clinic and colleagues. According to  LeBrasseur, attention to modifiable factors, such as healthy diet and exercise, can help.

 "Some of us believe that aging is just something that happens to all of us and it's just a predestined fate, and by the time I turn 65 or 70 or 80, I will have Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis."says Dr.  LeBrasseur.
 He stated that we don't need to be marathon runners, but we need to find ways to increase our habitual activity levels to stay healthy and prevent processes that drive aging and aging-related diseases.

 Source:Medical News Today