Saturday, 22 April 2017

Science shows 5 skills that determine success

How wealthy your background may determine how successful you will be in life, science have found out some of the skills to will determine the success of a person. According to new research published in PNAS, the official journal of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, researchers from the University College London followed 8,119 men and women to determine which life skills most directly contributed to their health and success. However they found that wealth, and happy upbringing did not necessarily determine how healthy and successful they were in life, but instead they identified some personality traits. According to the research, Emotional Stability is one of the skills one has to possess. To be successful in life, start with your own mental health, the researchers pointed out. "Our ability to stay 'in check' with our emotions is one of the most powerful life skills we have," explains Joshua Klapow, PhD, a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Public Health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. According to him, Emotional stability is like a regulator on our life skill set. " It allows us to experience life but to come back to a middle ground." Researchers at the Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus found that those who were more in control of their emotions could handle typical work stressors better, leading to further opportunities and success at work and less stress overall. 2 Determination According to a research conducted by the U.K.'s University of Kent on the top skills employers look for when searching for new employees. Determination was among the top 10. Individuals with determination often gets to their required destination no matter the obstacles. Determination also boosts health. According to Dr. Klapow, "Determination is critical for health and well-being as the majority of our health and well-being goals require daily prolonged effort. 3 Self - Control According to a study, those who continued to exhibit the highest amount of self-control through their lives were less likely to develop health problems, have a substance addiction, have low income, or commit a crime. "As we learn to look at the world as a series of events and situations that we can exert control over, we feel mastery and predictability. That allows us to remain calm, to be determined, and to take action," says Dr. Klapow. According to him, it is not a matter of having false beliefs that we can control everything in our lives, but rather looking at situations and challenges and believing that our own actions can have an impact. 4 Optimism The University College London study, led by psychology professor Andrew Steptoe and his colleague Jane Wardle, showed that optimism, when combined with at least some of the other life skills, had profound impacts on our ability to take better care of our health and find success later in life. A study in Clinical Psychology Review researched the impact of optimism alone on health and success and revealed that optimistic people are more resilient to life's stressors, allowing them to move past negative aspects of their jobs and everyday lives more easily. 5 Conscientiousness This implies a desire to do a task well. Conscientious people are efficient and organized. A study in Frontiers of Psychology found that high conscientiousness more consistently determined one's life satisfaction, income, and success than the other life skills examined, including emotional stability and cognitive ability. Conscientiousness is a reliable predictor of academic grades, job performance, marital stability, and physical health. University of Illinois psychologist Brent Roberts told According to Harvard Medical School, you can heighten your conscientiousness by hanging around conscientious people who can encourage positive behaviors. Further Reading:

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Mercury poisoning: What are the possibly effect??

Mercury is a toxic metal which is widely dispersed in nature. Human activities like coal burning and gold mining are currently the main sources mercury being released to the environment.

In the Journal of Natural Medicine Dr. Nan Fuchs states, “Mercury is considered one of the most toxic substances on earth. Mercury poisoning is as a result of exposure to the toxic metal.Mercury poisoning can equally occur as a result of being exposed to water - soluble forms of mercury (like methylmercury), inhaling mercury vapour, or by ingesting any form of mercury. According to Environmental Protection Agency, the most common way people in the US get exposure to mercury is by consuming fishes containing this health hazardous heavy metal. According to the World Health organization, dental fillings are a larger source of mercury exposure to humans than all other sources combined. Mercury research indicates that mercury spreads through the body within 2 weeks according to the International Academy of Oral Medicine. The risks from mercury in fish and shellfish depend on the amount of fish and shellfish eaten and the levels of mercury in the fish and shellfish. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are advising women who may become pregnant, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children to avoid some types of fish and eat fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury. The scientists, based at the Harvard T.H.

Chan School of Public Health, suspect that prenatal exposure to methylmercury, known to have toxic effects on the developing brain and nervous system, may limit the ability of nervous system tissues to grow and develop. Numerous studies show that high exposure to mercury changes and poisons the nervous system, which can result from irritability, fatigue, behavioral changes, tremors, headache, hearing and cognitive loss, hallucination, and even death. "Mercury exposure can also negatively affect the cardio - vascular system, causing high blood pressure in humans and animals." Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary stressed that dental mercury damages brain neurons. Cognitive function improves with aerobic exercise, but not for people exposed to high levels of mercury before birth, according to research funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health. “…mercury can adversely affect the immune, urinary, cardiac, respiratory and digestive systems, " the International Academy of Oral Medicine pointed out. Sources: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Hindawi Science daily

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Sources: Mercury poisoning. symptoms and early signs 

Palm oil and its many benefits>>

Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit, grown on the African oil palm tree.

 Oil palms are originally from Western Africa, but can flourish wherever heat and rainfall are abundant. Palm Oil is used in around 50% of products consumers purchase and use on a daily basis.

 Palm Oil and derivatives otherwise known as fractions of the oil are used in the manufacture of prepackaged food, cosmetics, cleaning products, hair care, soaps and personal care items. Palm Wax is used in the manufacture of candles. 

 Red palm oil has regenerative tendency. Palm oil is rich in phytonutrients that are very important to health. According to Mehmet Oz, a doctor and Bryce Wyld, aternative Medicine expert, two compounds found in the oil - carotene and tocotrienols are of great importance to health. According to him, carotene is a super antioxidant, while tocotrienol, a special form of vitamin E is cardio - protective.

 According to findings, tocotrienols exhibit their potent antioxidant properties and aid in inhibiting the development of skin, stomach, pancreas, lung, liver, breast, prostate, colon, and other cancers. Regular vitamin E cannot perform this.

 Researchers pointed out that the fruit oil provides protection against age related brain and heart diseases, aterial blockage and unhealthy level of low density lipo - protein (LDL cholesterol). WebMD also pointed out that palm oil contains saturated and non saturated fats, vitamin E, beta carotene and possibly anti - oxidant effect. "Palm oil is used for preventing vitamin A deficiency, cancer, brain diseases, ageing and for treating malaria, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cynanide poisoning."

 It also helps in body metabolism. Researchers from Monash University (Australia) and University of Uyo (Nigeria) analyzed the key components that make palm oil so unique and both came up with strikingly similar conclusions:

 It is different from other plant and animal oils in its fatty acid composition (50% saturated, 40% unsaturated, and 10% polyunsaturated). 

 In one study published in the British Journal of Biomedical Science, it was reported that despite the high levels of saturated fat in palm oil, the oil did not contribute to atherosclerosis and/or arterial thrombosis.

8 Researchers suggested that this is due to the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats in the oil, as well as its rich nutrient profile. Where coconut oil has around 90% MCFA’s (fat your body can easily burn for energy) palm oil only contains around 50% MCFA’s.

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Saliva test could predict how long a person lives

According to scientists. a saliva test could predict how long we have got left to live. Researchers found that levels of a particular antibody falls the nearer a person gets to death. Antibodies are large Y-shaped proteins used by the body to identify and fight infection. They are secreted by white blood cells. After a research which took them over 19 years, they found that the levels of secretory immunoglobin A (IgA) fell the nearer the person got to death. The researchers claimed that the chemical appears to be a marker of mortality risk, and is much less invasive than blood sampling. The research was published in the journal PLOS One. Dr Anna Phillips, from the University of Birmingham, said: ‘There are a number of factors that can affect how well we produce antibodies and maintain their levels. ‘There are some that we have no control over, such as age, heritability or illness, but our general state of health can also affect their levels; stress, diet, exercise, alcohol and smoking can all influence those levels.’ ‘Quite how saliva samples could be used in check-ups remains to be seen, as we need to better understand what secretion rate would be considered cause for concern - what we call the protective level. 'We could certainly say that, if found to be extremely low, it would be a useful early indicator of risk.’ Other methods of predicting how long a person has to live have been developed based on questionaires. An online test called the UK Longevity Explorer has been developed which can determine whether someone will live for the next five years. The test could be used as way of looking at overall health by professionals as part of a general check-up. The test was developed by Swedish scientists. Source: Mailonline

Meningitis: Death toll rises to 745

Nigeria: According to the statement released by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, 745 deaths have resulted from the outbreak of meningitis so far. Nigeria is one of 26 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa where large meningitis epidemics tend to occur. Outbreaks tend to peak in the dry season due to low humidity and dusty conditions and end when the rainy season arrives. The NCDC in a statement, pointed that the cases of the fatal disease is on the increase in the Northern part of the country, however the Northern Traditional Leaders Committee on Primary Health Care convened a meeting of governors and traditional leaders from all northern Nigerian states with federal government and development partners in efforts to end the outbreak. The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) coordinated mass vaccination for 2-29-year-olds in Katsina and Zamfara, where the outbreak started. According to the incident manager of the NCDC's emergency operations centre, There has been rapid response from team members and other government agencies. "We are grateful to all Rapid Response Team members, including government agency and partner staff who have remained at their different field posts, through the Easter period working on this outbreak response and control," he said. NCDC chief executive officer Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu added that the NCDC will continue to engage proactively through all the channels of communication online and offline. "We will also continue to work with our health reporters and journalists across the country to ensure easy reporting of facts. We need all hands on deck," he said Source: allAfrica news

Monday, 17 April 2017

Today's healthy tips for looking younger

Most people are scared of getting old but old age is inevitable. However, your activities determine how young or how old you look.

All you need to do is examine your everyday habits, not only do these habits determine how you look but also how healthy you are.

Our tips may help you to avoid while engaging in some activities for a desired result.
 1 Stop Smoking

Why smoking? Smoking can change your appearance by altering your teeth, hair, and skin. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that smokers who quit at 35 approximately add eight years to their life, compared with people who continue to smoke. Smoking affects the blood vessels, which deliver oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. When the skin is deprived of these essential nutrients, changes begin to develop, even at an early age. Studies suggest that smokers are more susceptible to the development of age spots.

 2 Regular Exercise

Many studies had shown that engaging in regular exercise helps to prevent age - related diseases and prolong life span. A new study from McMaster University in Canada found that exercise may reverse skin aging. According to Dr. Fusco, exercise improves healthy circulation, which allows skin to look its best.

3 Taking a balance diet

A diet brimming with veggies perks up your complexion, shows a study in PLOS One. When you want hair that looks healthy, you’ve got to start at the basics, and that means eating an adequate amount of protein to maintain normal hair production, says Kevin Pinski, MD, a dermatologist at Pinski Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in Chicago.
4   Good body weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for health. In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, it can also lower the risk of many different cancers. Through exercise, you can maintain you body weight.

 5 Avoid those things that stains your teeth

White teeth are seen as a sign of good health and youthfulness, says Emanuel Layliev, a dentist at the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry.

Astudy conducted by tooth care company Oral B, found that a whiter, brighter smile can make you look at least five years younger. Avoid tooth discoloration. 

 6 Get adequate sleep 

during deep sleep, the body produces greater quantities of estrogen and progesterone," says Dr. Pinski. These boost your skin’s natural repair mechanisms, so you look more radiant when you wake up. "The hormones also help prevent acne," he says. 

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Sources: for healthy look tips
  Harvad school of public health.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Bleaching the skin:some of the adverse effect

Skin Bleaching has a major health concern, especially in Global Black communities, according to study. 

The black skin colour is healthy and very beautiful; do not bleach it ugly to skin cancer, the Point writes. According to the paper, Harmful effects of bleaching include mainly two substances which are present in these are hydroquinone and mercury. 

Hydroquinone is very harsh chemical present in the bleach which makes the cell of your skin completely dead and this if once happens cannot ever be repaired. Mercury, present in some of the bleaching creams is said to be dangeruos to the skin and the FDA has warned against mercury poisoning. 

According to WebMD, mercury is a toxic agent that can cause serious psychiatric, neurological, and kidney problems. Pregnant women who use a skin lightener with mercury can pass the mercury to their unborn child. Skin whitening, skin lightening, and skin bleaching refer to the practice of using chemical substances in an attempt to lighten skin tone or provide an even skin complexion by reducing the melanin concentration in the skin. 
It is in-arguably one of the effective ways to achieve a brighter and clearer skin. But, one should wary of the active ingredients skin bleaching products as these could be quite dangerous for skin. Many beauticians and doctors has pointed out that by eating healthily, exercising and using body cream rich in Vitamin E, Aloe Vera and Collagen Elastin will produce more fascinating effects than applying mere bleaching creams.

Research shows that chemical bleaching can lead to serious skin and health conditions which include: permanent skin bleaching, thinning of skin, uneven colour loss, leading to a blotchy appearance, redness and intense irritation, dark grey spots, skin cancer.

An article on also stressed that bleaching products (particularly those that contain hydroquinone) can make skin more vulnerable to the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology suggested that those who had skin issues such as acne, dermatitis and eczema were adversely affected by skin bleaching products.

A study published in the International Journal of Dermatology found that bleaching creams reduced or even impaired the wound healing ability in African subjects.

An article  in the New York Times  stated that once  the skin stops producing melanin, patches of pink skin appear. "These patches can be treated only with skin grafts or ultra-violet light treatments." Experts have pointed out that dark patches on your skin, called ochronosis, are a possible risk of repeated skin whitening and one may also run the risk of developing leukoderma, a skin condition where certain areas of skin stop producing melanin. 

   Dermatologists (Skin specialist) say bleaching creams with hydroquinone are safe to reduce the appearance of age spots or smaller blemishes, but only if used as directed. But other skin specialists say abusing products, for example by rubbing the product on the entire face, neck, or body can be dangerous over time, saying that there is no safe way to bleach skin beyond its natural colour. 

Other experts say that skin bleaching, contains toxic chemicals that are linked to weakened immune systems, organ failure, and even death. Your skin is better off without bleaching as the damage done to your skin through bleaching may not be reversed. Sometime,we feel the need to bleach the skin to make it look beautiful without knowing the damage we are bringing upon ourselves.

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The Point:Gambia/the shocking cancer effect of skin bleaching
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Staying healthy during the Easter holidays

Easter is one of the most celebrated periods especially among the Christians that commemorate the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

 During Easter period, many activities go on such wedding ceremonies, musical concerts, comedy shows, cultural festivals,and different celebrations. People in the city also travel home to celebrate with loved ones. During this period also, because of the many activities that go on, people let themselves loose and some engage in an unhealthy activities. Easter in Nigeria is fun with lots of activities and events lined up to celebrate the season. 
Having healthy Easter holiday is everybody's wish but how can we achieve this????
       To stay healthy during this period, these tips may be useful 

 1 Eating a healthy diet -

Good diet will help you stay healthy especially during the Easter busy period. Include fruits and vegetables in your meal as they are important sources of vitamins and minerals which are vital for proper body functioning. In addition, They are high in dietary fiber which is very important as it can provide the body with many health benefits as well, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Also try to include some fishes. This will provide you with omega-3 fats, which is very essential to the body and can help to prevent heart disease. Avoid too much of red meat to keep you cholesterol level in check. 
  2 Hanging out with friends -

sometimes the most effective way to relax is by spending quality time with your friends. it is always great to roam around with friends than just staying alone. Hanging out with friends is actually a healthy habit that can reduce your stress and tension. Studies also show social activities improve your mind. 

 3 Getting enough relaxation -

There are many relaxation centers that one may find worthy. Relaxation may be engaging yourself in mild activities such as reading novels, going to the beach, having fun with friends. Avoid strenuous activities that will spoil the holiday fun. Visit old time friends, Chat wit friends, go to the park together.

 4 Sipping some bottles of wine -

It is always healthy to take some bottle of wine depending on your capacity. Small quantity of alcohol in the body may have a positive health effect. Wine is good for relaxation and it carries many health benefits with it such as helping to reduce depression and having anti-aging property, according research. Palm wine is also good for the health as it has a refreshing effect and it is believed to relieve the body of fatigue.

 5 Having fun with family -

During the Easter period, some people found it more convenient to travel home. Spending sometime with the family is very essential as it has some health benefits such as boosting self confidence in the children. Having fun with the family is also an important part of building a strong family identity. Family relationship grows stronger as you  your spend time with family. Go on picnic with your family. Take the children to amusement parks. You can equally to on camping or hiking with your family members. This will have a positive impact on their mental ability.

6 Taking a good sleep -

Quality sleep is  an evedence of a  good healthy living. A good sleep is required by your body after a long busy day to reset and function efficiently.  Shakespeare viewed sleep as "nature's soft nurse", referring to it's restorative effect on the body.  yourThis revitalise the body and gets it back to the normal functioning. Depriving yourself of the required amount of sleep can lead to many illnesses.
Try to enjoy your holiday to the maximum, avoid distractions. Plan your activities and get a healthy meal too. 

Sources: having fun with your family is important of drinking wine

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Best ways to improve your Brain

A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment. You can train your brain just like you would your biceps to perform at a significantly higher level, says neuroscientist Michael Merzenich, Ph.D., a professor emeritus of the University of California San Francisco, and the creator of, a site designed specifically for getting your brain into better shape. According to Merzenich, no matter what your age or current intelligence level, that gray matter in your skull is constantly changing and evolving. Put a little work into it, he says, and your IQ, visual acuity, and ability to manage and process data (i.e., the stuff that makes you “smart”) can grow and improve right along with it. TIPS ON THE BEST WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR BRAIN 1 Mind what you eat What you eat affects how you think,” says Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, Ph.D., a professor of neurosurgery at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. “And eating a high-fructose diet over the long term may alter your brain’s ability to learn and remember information,” he says. In a study of almost 4,000 children, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers found that kids who were given a “traditional” or “health-conscious” diet consistently scored better on IQ tests than children fed a diet high in processed foods. Although the human brain grows at its fastest during the first three years of life, researchers say a clean, healthy diet is just as important after the brain is fully developed. Research also shows that omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for brain health. Fish is a particularly rich source of omega-3, especially cold water “fatty fish” such as salmon, tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring. 2 Exercise Scientists at the University of Illinois have proven exercise’s prowess at keeping the brain healthy. In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. The benefits of exercise come directly from its ability to reduce insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors—chemicals in the brain that affect the health of brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels in the brain, and even the abundance and survival of new brain cells Even more exciting is the finding that engaging in a program of regular exercise of moderate intensity over six months or a year is associated with an increase in the volume of selected brain regions,” says Dr. Scott McGinnis, a neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an instructor in neurology at Harvard Medical School. Also many studies have suggested that the parts of the brain that control thinking and memory (the prefrontal cortex and medial temporal cortex) have greater volume in people who exercise versus people who don’t. 3 Sleep Your brain isn’t just fresher after eight full hours of sleep. It also has more learning potential, and performs better than when it’s sleep deprived, according to studies. Research from the University of Notre Dame found that people who get enough sleep are also better able to remember visual cues and process emotional information than men and women who skimp on pillow time. Research from Harvard indicates that people are 33 percent more likely to infer connections among distantly related ideas after sleeping, but few realize that their performance has actually improved. When German researchers at the University of Luebeck gave a group of men and women between the ages of 18 and 32 a series of complex math problems to solve, they found that well-rested individuals were three times more likely to figure out the rule for solving the equations than those who weren’t getting enough sleep. 4 Social Interaction Studies show social activities improve your mind. Interacting with people challenges your memory, and forces your brain to stay nimble and grow,” says Pasinski. When psychologists at University College London analyzed brain scans from 125 college age students and then looked at their Facebook accounts, they found that the students with the most friends also had significantly larger brains, especially in the areas associated with memory and emotional response. As psychologist Daniel Goleman notes in his book Emotional Intelligence, “laughter… seems to help people think more broadly and associate more freely.” 5 Listening to music research has shown that listening to music while exercising boosted cognitive levels and verbal fluency skills in people diagnosed with coronary artery disease (coronary artery disease has been linked to a decline in cognitive abilities). In this study, signs of improvement in the verbal fluency areas more than doubled after listening to music compared to that of the non-music session. Several studies also found that playing video games stimulates the parts of the brain that control movement, memory, planning, and fine motor skills. 6 Learning new skills Pick something new each day—a cell phone number, a song lyric, a new vocabulary word, a favorite quote—and try committing it to memory, quizzing yourself every few hours to see how well you’re remembering it. “It may sound like a waste of time, but it’s an incredibly useful exercise,” says Marie Pasinski, M.D., a Harvard neurologist and author of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Boost your Brain Power. 7 Take some drinks In a study conducted at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in Italy, researchers found that 29% of people over the age of 65 who rarely drank during the course of their life experienced some form of mental impairment as they got older, compared with just 19% of people who drank moderate amounts of alcohol. Sources: Havard health publication

WHO: Nigeria recieves 500,000 Doses of Meningitis C Vaccine

According to WHO, Nigeria has received 500,000 doses of meningitis C containing vaccine to combat the epidemic in the country. According to the report, the doses were sent by the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision, an organisation that coordinates the provision of vaccine during outbreak emergencies. This was revealed by Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, the WHO Country Representative to Nigeria, said this in a statement in Abuja on Friday. He said the vaccines, funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, have been administered in Zamfara and Katsina States where the disease was most endemic. Alemu noted that an additional 820,000 doses of the meningitis C conjugate vaccine donated by the UK government to WHO was currently being sent to Nigeria, adding that in the last week, the ICG also sent 341,000 doses of the Meningitis C-containing vaccine to Niger Republic. According to him, this was because over 1,300 suspected cases of the disease had been found in the region particularly in districts that border with Nigeria and in the Niamey region of the country. He stated that a vaccination campaign was underway in Nigeria to contain an outbreak of Meningitis C, a strain of meningitis that first emerged in the country in 2013 and was initially limited to a few areas in Kebbi and Sokoto states, while recalling that in 2013, the outbreak was initially limited to a few areas in Kebbi and Sokoto States. However, he pointed out that in 2015, more than 2,500 cases of the disease have been reported across 3 states in the country. He noted that the WHO's Country Office in Nigeria, including a number of field offices, have been supporting the government since the meningitis outbreak began adding that Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) with support from WHO, the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC), UNICEF and other partners were leading the response to the on-going outbreak. He said apart from the use of vaccinations to prevent the transmission of meningitis, 20,000 vials of antibiotics have been sent by the ICG to treat those with the disease in Nigeria, stating that most vaccines currently being used for Meningitis C outbreaks in Africa were polysaccharide vaccines, which were in short supply, as they were being phased out in other parts of the world. Read more: The Guardian

Friday, 14 April 2017

How do i stop my children from sucking their thumb

Thumb-sucking is normal in babies and young children, according to WebMD. Most babies and toddlers suck their thumbs. Babies have a natural urge to suck. This urge usually decreases after the age of 6 months. To many, sometimes thumb - sucking is a coping strategy. Accirding to WebMD, thumb-sucking can become a habit in babies and young children who use it to comfort themselves when they feel hungry, afraid, restless, quiet, sleepy, or bored. according to a report published in Pediatrics, children who sucked and bit their nails were far less likely to develop sensitivities to common allergens compared to children with neither habit. Thumb-sucking is an appropriate and useful behavior for very young children, as it allows them to comfort and entertain themselves, says Linda Goldstein, MD, a Washington pediatrician. Some view thumb - sucking as a bad habit and according to some pyschologists, bad habibs such as thumb sucking can be annoying to parents, but the habit must be dealt with, employing patient and love. Most experts agree that a thumb-sucker younger than 5 shouldn't be pressured to stop. Even when the habit lingers past infancy, thumb-sucking is rarely something to be concerned about. It doesn't indicate that a child has emotional problems or that he will still be sucking his finger when he's a teenager," says Sabine Hack, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. Experts said that prolonged thumb-sucking may cause the teeth to become improperly aligned (malocclusion) or push the teeth outward, however they recommend ignoring thumb-sucking in a child who is preschool age or younger. Dr. Mefoh Philips, a pyschologist at universty of Nigeris Nsukka, pointed out that most times these behaviours are just phasis not requiring any serious medical attention. He added that children eventually outgrow them, however managing them can be very difficult. "If you need a change in their habit, first of all you need to understand why your children are doing that," he said. According to him, bad habits would only turn permanent after being repeated on daily basis. According to Jerome Hines, the only proper way to eliminate bad habits is to replace them with good ones. Dr. Valentine added that to substitute the bad habit, the child must pick some thing that is likewise reinforcing and repeats it enough for it to become a habit. He advised parents to use a natural and logical consequences for the problematic behavior. Also Mrs. Nneka Ebele, said that if parents desire to break bad habits in their children, they should start by focusing on one or two of th bothersome and dangerous ones. Sources: Vanguard health WebMD

Nigeria: WHO commends speedy handling of Meningitis Outbreak

According to a report, the World Health Organization has commended Nigeria for it's rapid response in tackling the meningitis epidemic in some parts of the country. Alemu Wondi, the Country Representative of the organisation in Nigeria, made the commendation during his courtesy visit to the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa'ad Abubakar III. "We are here to see how to contribute to shorten the period of the outbreak in the state and other parts of Nigeria. "Nigeria has also made crucial efforts to eradicate polio, although the country is yet to be certified polio free. "Routine immunisation is the backbone of disease control and more should be done to ensure its utilisation," he said. Mr. Wondi promised to continue to support Nigeria to improve its health indices. Mr. Abubakar, while responding to this, lauded WHO for its support to Nigeria, while also commending Mondi for being a proactive leader. The sultan in his statement, reinstated his commitment to ensuring efficient delivery of health services to Nigerians. According to him, Health is Wealth we will do everything humanly possible to boost health delivery in the country. "We will sustain our partnership with WHO and other development partners in this direction," he said. Earlier on, Mr. Wondi, visited the Commissioner for Health, Balarabe Kakale to tell him their mission which is to assess the situation, brainstorm and extend our support on the ways forward. "We must commend the state government for investing huge human and material resources to combat the menace, " he said Source: allAfrica

Meningitis: Death toll increases as Zamfara records high number of deaths and infected patients

Nigeria - The Secretary to the State Government, Professor Abdullahi Muhammad Shinkafi has revealed that about 346 death have occured and 3, 145 infected since the outbreak of meningitis in Zamfara State. This was disclosed during a phone-in programme organised by the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Gusau. According to Shinkafi, who is also the chairman of state Committee on Monitoring, Prevention and Control, those infected with the fatal disease are receiving treatment in various centers. He also added that the government had already established two emergency operations centres in each local government with a view to helping their communities to kick out the epidemic. Source:

Health, Beauty tips and Related issues : Eating legumes may lower the risk of type 2 Diabet...

Health, Beauty tips and Related issues : Eating legumes may lower the risk of type 2 Diabet...: New research shows that a high consumption of legumes significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease. Legumes are a food group ri...

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

What are the causes of my tooth discoloration

Your teeth age as you age and are naturally going to become yellow but there are some activities that help to quicken your teeth discoloration. Discoloration of the teeth can happen gradually the it can go unnoticed. A study canducted by toothcare company Oral B, found that a whiter, brighter smile can make you look at least five years younger. Some teeth actually look yellow because the enamel coating has worn down, explains Dr. Amit Rai, a Dentist. Coffee, tea -Coffee contains tannis (acidic polyhemels) that leads to staining and discoloration, says an expert. According to Family Gentle Dental Care, the heat from the coffee can cause small fracture in your tooth surface. Chromogens are pigments in certain foods that also have the tendency to stain the teeth. The head dental hygienist at Chicago's Downtown Dental, Monicah Johnson, Coffees and teas are high in tannis, which is why are common culprits. To avoid staining your teeth without having to give up on coffee habit, a dental hygienist recommends using a cup lid. Wines - Wine may be responsible for the teeth that turned shades of grey which unluckily is harder to remove, according to Kourosh Maddahi (a cosmetics dentist based in Beverly). A study published by new university researchers pointed out that while it does not cause staining, white wine can make tooth stains darker. Tobacco use - Tar and nicotine are two chemicals in tobacco that stains the teeth, according to American Dental Association. Smoking causes a build up on your teeth that can cause a yellow to orange color stain. Medication - According to American Dental Association, tooth darkening can be a side effect of certain antihistamines, antipychotics and high blood pressure medications.hildren exposed to certain antibiotics like tetracycline and dexycline when their teeth are forming (either in the womb or as a baby) may have discoloration of their adult teeth later in life. Age - According to WebMD, as you age, the outer layer of enamel on your teeth gets worn away, revealing the natural yellow color of dentin. Dentin is the part that is responsible your tooth color - whether white off white, grey ar yellowish. Tooth enamel changes as you get older and over the time, the stains get into the little cracks and crevices. Others causes of tooth discoloration may include Medical condition such as jundice and poor oral hygiene. Research have shown that prolonged jundice early in life can impact a yellow or greenish discoloration to the teeth. Sources: WebMD American Dental Association Nytimes

Child spacing: good or bad

 How healthy the child becomes may depend on the spacing between the previous pregnancy and the latter.

  Child spacing refers to period of time or the interval between one child's birth date until the next one.

 It is an essential part of family planning, according to Mayo Clinic. It means figuring how long you need to wait after the first birth before getting pregnant.
A research published in the Journal of American Medical Association in 2006, found that the physical health of the baby is much better if the mother waits a minimum of 18 months after the previous baby before she conceives another.
 Recent research suggested that closely spaced pregnancies might be associated with an increased risk of autism in the second child. The risk is high for the pregnancies spaced less than 12 months.
 Research had also suggested that beginning pregnancy within six months of a live birth is associated with increased risk of premature birth, low birth weight, congenital disorders and schizophrenia. 

According to Mayo Clinic, closely spaced pregnancy might not give the mother enough time to recover from the previous before moving to the next. The nutrients lost during the previous pregnancy and breastfeeding might not be replaced and this may affect the health of the baby. Another study have equally shown that women are often anemic for a good year after a birth because of lots of iron allotted to the baby and placenta and the blood lost during the birth. 

 A famous Longitudinal stidy found that spacing kids closer than two years apart was a risk factor for both kids apparently because neither child got enough attention from the mother to create mother - child bond that kids need to flourish.
 Family Planning experts generally agreed that at least twenty - four months or two years birth interval is important for infant, child and maternal health. Some studies suggest that birth interval less than two years is associated with adverse paternal and maternal outcome. The World Health Organization (WHO has identified birth interval (the period between two consecutive live births) as critical determinant of child mortality risk, recommending that women space their births between three and five years apart to reduce health risks to children and the mothers (WHO 2007).
 A Los Angeles Lakers nutrition consultant and the author of Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food pointed out that children who are given proper resources for fetal development are set up with better bone structure, more confidence, and higher intelligence.
 A new England Journal of Medicine reports that a minimum of 18 - 24 creates better space between pregnancies to prevent preterm birth, low birth weight, and infant death. 
A well spaced pregnancy helps the mother properly care for the first child before getting distracted by the second, thus it's very important that families adopt a good child spacing method.

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Sources: of siblings strongly link to success in life.
Food child future success may depend on child spacing
N C B I/when and where birtth spacing matters  for child survival. Aha parenting/what is the best age spacing between siblings.
 Mayo planning:get the fact about pregnancy 

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Meningitis: Death Toll on the increase

Meningitis, since the recent out-break in Nigeria, has been tormenting people especially from the Northern part of the country. The death resulted from the invasion of the fatal disease is said to be on the increase and so far 438 death have been recorded, according to one of the officials. In the statement released by the center,John Oladejo, the incident manager of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC, stated that 3,959 suspected cases have been reported as part of the current outbreak, of which 181 cases have been laboratory-confirmed. "A total of 438 deaths (11 per cent of all cases) have been reported from 106 LGAs in 19 states in the country and outbreak response and control activities are ongoing in the State to curtail the outbreak", he added. according to the report, Mass Immunisation has Commence in Zamfara and people have been turning out in large numbers for a mass vaccination exercise against the disease. NCDC has stated that the campaign, which targets 300,000 persons aged 2 - 29 years, started on Thursday in the eight most affected local government areas in Zamfara State, and will continue until Sunday. The statement also stated that the team of experts is tasked with planning, coordinating and implementing an effective vaccination campaign in collaboration with the recently commissioned Meningitis Emergency Operations Centre at NCDC. According to Nigerian Health Ministry, the same outbreak has been reported in neighboring countries such as Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Togo and Burkina Faso. Source: Premium Times

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Lead Poisoning - who is at risk?

Lead is a toxicant that affect multiple body systems and is particularly harmful to young children, according to World Health Organization. Lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal found beneath the Earth crust. Human activities such as mining, burning fossil fuels, and manufacturing have caused it to become widespread, according to Mayo Clinic. Lead poisoning is a serious condition and can lead to death. It occurs when lead is build up in the body. Lead can be found in some paints, batteries, solder, pipes, pottery, canned foods, some toys and some cosmetics. Lead can also contaminates the soil and water. Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine has it that lead can damage almost every system in the human body and it can also cause high blood pressure (hypertension). Aaron Reuben, a graduate student in clinical psychology at Duke University pointed out that lead can be toxic to many parts of the body but in particular can accumulate in blood stream and pass through blood brain barrier reach the brain. Lead can develop many symptoms which may include abdominal cramp, irritability, high blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, memory loss and anemia in adult. While in children, the symptoms may include behavioral problems, impaired brain function, growth delay and others. At high levels, lead can damage the kidneys both in children and adult, but very high levels can cause seizure, unconsciousness and death, according to Mayo Clinic. Even small amount of lead can cause serios health problem. WHO IS AT RISK Children are most vulnerable to lead poisoning because the are more likely to put objects containing lead and lead contaminated objects in their mouth, which can lead to mental and physical impairment. It is particularly harmful to the developing brain of the fetus and the young children. It also affect their nervous system as it is still developing. According to research, work exposure has been identified as the major cause of lead poisoning in adult. Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines childhood lead poisoning as a whole - blood lead concentration equal to or greater than 10 micrograms/dc. Sources: NPR pulic health Mayo Clinic

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Interesting facts about dating that you need to know

Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage.

Dating may also involve two or more people who have already decided that they share romantic or sexual feelings toward each other.

Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania found that most people make a decision regarding a person’s attraction within three seconds of meeting. Studies show that schools, colleges, coffee shops, and malls are all excellent places to flirt because people are more open to meeting others in these places.

Survey conducted by, a leading dating site, revealed that fresh breath mattered the most before a date, 17% said stylish clothes, 15% said sexy fragrance, 14% said good skin, and 10% said great hair.

The most common time for breakups is around three to five months. Men who earn higher income are most likely get attraction than those who earn low.

Typically, dating specialists suggest waiting until the third date to cook someone dinner at home. Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania studied data from over 10,000 speed daters and found that most people make a decision regarding a person’s attraction within three seconds of meeting.

Studies show that men are put off by groups of loud women. If a woman wants to get a date, she should break away from a loud group to give a man a chance to approach her. Most men are shy on the first day of meeting with a girl.

In a survey conducted by and Elle magazine, more than 31% of men said they dumped an overweight partner compared to 12% of women.

Studies show that happiness is contagious and that potential dates find it hard to walk away from happy people. Body type is important in attracting a date. Studies show that overweight individuals were perceived less favorably than thin or muscular people.

Thin individuals were perceived as intelligent but fearful, and muscular individuals were perceived as being healthy, brave, and good looking Girls access the worth of the male partner before accepting a date. Relationship with ex don't usually work unless it's a less serious issues that lead to the break up.
59 percent of people remain Facebook friends with an ex after they’ve broken up, according to a YourTango survey.

Studies show that men are put off by groups of loud women. If a woman wants to get a date, she should break away from a loud group to give a man a chance to approach her.

Bad breath and bad teeth are an instant turn-off for potential dates. If deep dental cleaning doesn’t improve a person’s breath, he or she could have a stomach bacterium called H. pylori, which causes bad breath.

Research shows that men know they’re falling in love after just three dates, but women don’t fall in love until date Signs that a woman is not interested in her date include avoiding eye contact, faking a smile or not smiling, leaning away, answering in monosyllables, sagging her shoulders, looking at her watch, tapping her foot, or staring blankly.

Signs that a man is about to break up with a woman include that he spends less time with her, avoiding her calls, he is no longer romantic, passionate kissing turns into quick pecks (particularly no kiss during sex), he fantasizes about someone else during sex, he pats her during a hug, and he tries to start fights.

Research shows that men know they’re falling in love after just three dates, but women don’t fall in love until date 14.


Governor Yari: Outbreak of Meningitis-dont quote me wrong>>

Nigeria - Zamfara State Governor, Dr. Abdulaziz Yari Abubakar, has publicly denied associating the outbreak of the deadly Cerebral Spinal Meningitis, CSM, with God's punishment arising from fornication and other forms of disobedience to God. Rather, the governor said he actually frowned at the scarcity of vaccines to tackle the outbreak of the deadly disease in his state and called for urgent assistance from relevant government agencies. According to the Special Adviser to the Governor on Media and Public Enlightenment, Mr. Ibrahim Magaji Dosara, The Governor have asked Nigerians to move closer to God and plead for his mercy to avert further infectious diseases and other health crises in the state and Nigeria since God has answers to all challenges. "The governor noted that the situation was unfortunate because the state does not have enough vaccines yet for the Type C Meningitis. "The governor, thereafter, enjoined all Nigerians to embrace prayers, as God who is aware of the outbreak of the ailment surely has antidote for it. "The governor specially appealed to Nigerians to make deliberate effort to be closer to God by shunning sins of fornication and other forms of disobedience so as to receive his divine health and other blessings, as he is closer to those who obey him and distant themselves from sins." he said Source: Vanguard news

Natural Remedy To Your Grey Hairs

Stress and lifestyle may have contributed to the growth of grey hair. Grey hair is normally perceived as a sign of graceful ageing. It is believed to be sign of old age, however, some people growth grey hair at young age. Premature greying of hair is caused by many factors ranging from stress, poor nutrition, heredity, and activities that disturb the production of melanin (a pigment that is responsible for hair color). According to a research published in the Journal of American Societies for Experimental Biology, grey hair is the result of massive oxidative stress from accumulation of hydrogen peroxide causing hair to bleach itself. What can i do to my grey hair According to Mayo Clinic, the non-prescription vitamin pantothenics acid is claimed to be able to stop grey hair naturally. Research has proven that the more you stress, the more your Vitamin B levels drop leading to hair loss and greying. Also catalase is a compound that protects us from dangerous reactive oxidizing molecules. It catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Onions juices is said to increase the production catalase and prevent grey hair from forming, according to new research, but may not reverse the signs of grey hair permanently. A study said after just 4 weeks of using onion juice, a large number of people suffering from alopecia. In 2009, research conducted by Bradford University in the UK, also reveal a similar breakthrough for grey hair was reported which also found that hydrogen peroxide buildup was a culprit and that the compound catalase could reverse grey hair. Coffee has being found to be good temporary dye for grey hair - it acts as a natural dye. According to Thrive Style and Livestrong, the method works when done well and with good conditioner even though it might not be able to deliver 100 percent grey hair coverage. Curry leaves is also rich in nutrients that are essential for the restoration of hair follicles. Anecedotal evidence suggests that people who eat curry leaves daily or apply it's oil do not get grey hair early. It nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles to promote healthy hair growth. According to a research, curry leaves contain antioxidant properties which are beneficial for hair, although the exact mechanism has not been established. Coconut oil is one of the best natural remedies for hair, an expert says. According to Bill Gottlieb, author of Alternative Cares:more than 1,000 of the most effective natural remedies, the mixture of coconut and thistle oil can be applied to the hair to help reverse the sign of grey hair. Lavender oil can equally reduce the growth of grey hair since it can have effect on the level of stress. Lavender oil on scalp soothes the nerves and diffuses tension and stress. Sources: WebMD Organic

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Wife others husband to rape 12 year old daughter to raise a child...

UK: According to police in threw United Kingdom, couples conspired to rape their daughter in an attempt to get her pregnant so that they could raise a child. According to the report, the 30-year-old parents of Warwickshire, have been sentenced to prison for raping their 12-year-old daughter until she became pregnant. The two pleaded guilty at the Warwick Crown Court, with the Father banging 18 years jail sentence after being convicted of 2 counts of rape while the mother was handed six years and three months jail sentence after being convicted of child cruelty. According to the criminal complaint, the mother was sterilized before she met her husband. When the two decided to have children, she was told by her doctor that her sterilization could be reversed, so they decided that the father would have sex with her 12-year-old daughter until she got pregnant so that they could raise the child as their own. As the child got pregnant, the mother forced her to tell her doctor that she had sex with a boy she met at school. Eventually, the girl confided and told a teacher that she was raped by her father, and the parents were arrested. Source: Worldwideweirdnews

Gov. Yari: Meningitis Punishment From God

Governor Abdulaziz Yari of Zamfara State has described the current outbreak of meningitis in the Nigeria as a deserved punishment from God. According to him, God always has a way of punishing people for turning their back on him. According to the report, the governor pointed this out while addressing the news men breifly after meeting with President Muhammdu Buhari. Zamfara State was reported as the most affected State as 200 person's have so far being reported dead while several others are receiving treatment at various hospitals and clinics. According to Yari, what has being familiar is type A virus which has been tackled by the World Health Organizaton. “However, because people refused to stop their nefarious activities, God now decided to send Type C virus, which has no vaccination. “People have turned away from God and he has promised that ‘if you do anyhow, you see anyhow’ that is just the cause of this outbreak as far as I am concerned. “There is no way fornication will be so rampant and God will not send a disease that cannot be cured.” He dismissed the report that his government is slow to action and said he has arranged for an emergency meeting with the stakeholders to adopted a strategy in dealing with the outbreak. According to Yari, Zamfara got 20,000 doses from the Federal Ministry of Health, which will not be enough for his State. “Our Focus as a state now is to continue treating those who are infected with the disease, but as for vaccination, it has an international dimension. “We have information that Nigeria will get the highest percentage of the 5 million doses available now. Apart from WHO, other International bodies such as the Bill Gates foundation and UNICEF are also currently focusing on how to tackle the outbreak”. Yari asked the people to repent from their evil ways and embraced God so that the emergency of the disease would come to an end. Asked whether leaders also need repentance, Yari tried to defend the leaders by saying they are only doing their best to enlighten the masses and working hard for the good of all. Source: Vanguard Nigeria

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Meningitis: Govt Requires $1.1 Billion for Vaccine

Federal Government had said that the sum of $1.1bn is required to purchase vaccine for immunisation of 22 million persons in five states ravaged by meningitis. This was disclosed by Emmanuel Odu, an official of the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHDA). According to Odu, while briefing the Senate Committee on Primary Health Care and Communicable Diseases said that the amount is required to vaccinate people against meningitis inthe affected states which include Zamfara, Sokoto, Katsina, Niger and Kebbi states. So far, it has resulted in the death of 328 people. He also said that the said doses which are being sourced from an Indian firm, 500,000 doses of the vaccine has been brought and 823,000 are being expected. The National Coordinator of the Centre for Disease Control, Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu pointed out that the outbreak which started in second week of December in Zamfara State has spread to 16 states. However, the committee has pledged full support according to Senate President, Bukola Sarak, who also showed his appreciation to FG, Ministry of Health, stakeholders and WHO on their efforts in the fight against this deadly disease called meningitis in Nigeria. He also pleaded for corporation by the parties involved to see that meningitis is eradicated in Nigeria. Source: Vanguard Nigeria .

What are the health benefits of drinking wine.....

Wine consumption at moderate level said to be beneficial to health. Moderation depends on many factors such as person's size, sex, body stature, and the person's general health statue. Medical news today has it that women absorb alcohol more rapidly than men because of their lower body water content and different level of stomach enzymes. Therefore moderate wine consumption will be lower in women than men. Wine especially the red variety has been associated with longer life span, protection against cancer, improved mental health and for heart health. A study published by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concluded that both white and red wines provide cardio-protective qualities. Resveratol and procyanidins are among the compounds in red win found to be good for the health, according to research. BENEFITS OF WINE>> 1 Anti-ageing properties Researchers from Havard Medical school reported that red wines has anti-aging properties. According to the research, Resveratol, a chemical compound present in red wine is responsible for this. Procyanidins, a compound also found in red wine, is good for the blood vessels and is possible one of the factors contributing towards long span of the people, according to researchers from Havard Research Institute, University of London. The researchers also found that the level of procynanidins are not the same in all wines. Wines from the Southeast (France and Sardinia), where it is still produced in the traditional way tends to have higher levels of the compound. In some cases, the levels of the compound are ten times as high as wines from else where. 2 Prevention of breast cancer Although regular consumption of most alcoholic drinks increase the risk of breast cancer,researchers from Cedar-Sinia Medical Center in Los Angeles found that consumption of red wine reduces the risk of breast cancer. The scientist explained that chemicals in the skins and seeds of red grapes reduce estrogen levels while raising the testosterone in pre menopausal women which result in lower risk of developing breast cancer. The author emphasized that it it is not just the red wine that has beneficial compounds, but it's raw material(red grapes). 3 Reducing depression Drinking a glass of wine every day may be good for mental health, report The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian. According to research publisblished in the Journal BMC Medicine, carried out by several universities in Spain, drinking wine may reduce the risk of depression. The researchers found that men and women who drank two to seven glasses of wine each week were less likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who abstained. However, further findings suggest that wine consumption exceeding seven glasses a week could increase the risk of depression. 4 Preventing colon cancer Scientist from the university of Leicester, UK reported at the 2nd International Scientific conference on Resveratol and Health that regular moderate consumption of red wine can reduce the rate of bowel tumora by approximately 50%. People who drink three or more glasses of red wine a week are less likely to get the abnormal colon growths that can lead to cancer, according to a new study. The study was done by Joseph Anderson, MD, and colleagues at New York's Stony Brook University. It was presented at the American College of Gastroenterology's annual scientific meeting in Las Vegas. they suggest that a compound found in grapes and red wine(the antioxidant resveratrol) may cut the odds of getting abnormal colon growths that can become cancerous. 5 Preventing dementia A team from Loyela university medical center found that moderate consumption of red wine can reduce the risk of developing dementia. Dementia is used to describe various symptoms of cognitive decline, such as forgetfulness. According to researchers in the Journal of Neuro- psychiatric diseases and treatment, moderate red wine drinkers had 23% lower risk of developing dementia compared to who really or never consumed the alcoholic beverage. Resveratol found in wineis a naturally occurring anti-oxidant that decreases the sickness of blood platelets and helps the blood vessels remain open and flexible. However, researchers advised that if you don't drink, you shouldn't start. Sources: Medical new today Webmd

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Eating legumes may lower the risk of type 2 Diabetics

New research shows that a high consumption of legumes significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease. Legumes are a food group rich in B vitamins, contain different beneficial minerals (calcium, potassium and magnesium) and sizeable amounts of fibre. Legumes are a very healthy food because it is low in fat and high in protein. Legume family consist of beans, lentils, peanuts, peas, soybeans etc. They contain a variety of phytochemicals - bioactive compounds that further improve the body's metabolism and have been suggested to protect against heart disease and diabetes. researchers from the URV's Human Nutrition Unit in collaboration with other research groups in the PREDIMED study analyzed the association between the consumption of the different sub-types of non-soy legumes and the risk of type 2 diabetes among individuals at high cardiovascular risk. The study also analyzes the effects of substituting legumes with other foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, and the findings were published in the journal Clinical Nutrition. After 4 years of follow-up,it was revealed that individuals with a higher consumption of legume had a 35% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, expecially a particular legume known as lentils. Those participants who had a higher consumption of lentils during the follow-up (nearly 1 serving/week) compare to those individuals with a lower consumption (less than half a serving per week), had a 33% lower risk of developing the disease. The researchers also found that the effect of replacing half a serving/day of foods rich in protein or carbohydrates, including eggs, bread, rice and baked potato, for half a serving/day of legumes was also associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes incidence. The researchers highlight the importance of consuming legumes to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, but state that further research must be conducted in other populations to confirm these results. Sources: medicalxpress medicalnewstoday

Nigeria: Death Toll Rises,as Meningitis spreads to 16 States, 90 LGAs,

According to the Federal Government, not few than 328 persons had died from the outbreak of Cerebrospinal Meningitis (CSM) that has affected 16 states and 90 Local Government Areas (LGAs). According to the statement, the affected states include Zamfara, Katsina, Sokoto, Kebbi, Niger, Nassarawa, Jigawa, FCT, Gombe, Taraba , Yobe, Kano, Osun, Cross Rivers, Lagos and Plateau. Meningitis is an acute inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges. This inflammation is usually caused by an infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The causative agent is bacteria or viruses, but could also be a result of injury, cancer, or certain drugs. Knowing the specific cause is however important because the treatment differs depending on the cause. The health ministry also pointed out that the current outbreak of the disease known as known Neisseria Meningitides type C started in Zamfara State on November 2016. According to the ministry spokesperson, “Nigeria is currently experiencing an outbreak of Cerebrospinal Meningitis (CSM) that has spread across the country and mostly affecting states in the upper parts of the country which fall within the African Meningitis Belt. Other Countries that are facing similar outbreaks at the moment include our West-African Neighbours like Niger, Chad, Cameroun, Togo, and Burkina Faso. The larger African Meningitis Belt consists of 26 Countries that stretch from Senegal, Gambia and Guinea Bissau in the west coast to eastern countries of Eritrea and Ethiopia However people are advised to remain calm as Meningitis is both preventable and curable, even though the number of people and locations affected may continue to increase, according to the ministry, the actual rate of increase had begun to decline in some states indicating that the end of the epidemic is in sight. Source:This day Nigeria

Fred Odemwingie Okhomina: There is a need to subject political office holders to psychiatric test.

Fred Odemwingie Okhomina is among the first generation of psychiatric doctors in Nigeria. Okhomina who recently celebrated his 80th birthday, while speaking to the news men in an interview on his academic achievement and what motivated him, corruption in Nigeria, stated that there is a need to subject political office holders to psychiatric test. According to him, it was his mentor, Dr Adeoye Lambo, that advised him to go into it. How do you feel being 80? I feel like a baby in the cradle. I have looked forward to be an old man in my life time but my only joy is that I attained this age with a lot of accomplishments. My life has touched so many people and I believe I am paying back human debt because I would not have been what I am without the grace of a few people. What were the major signs in Benin when you were born in the 30s? I will say I was too young to know what was happening. I was told that in 1937 when I was born, my late elder brother, Engineer Aiwerioba, was going to Government College Ibadan. I knew my parents came from a village not too far from Benin, I knew Benin wasn't as developed as it is now. But in 1944 when I started going to primary school and in 1950 when I went to St Peter's Anglican Primary School, we were told that pupils in schools were doing better than those in government schools which was the fact. That was when Edo College admitted 25 students every year and 14 came from St Peter's which means St Peters had good teachers. One of my very good classmates is Prof. Sunday Iyahen who remained my classmate for many years through secondary school and at the University of Ibadan where I did medicine and he did mathematics. What is the secret of your good health given the backdrop that many others of your age are in bad health? I didn't have it too rosy; I mean my father wasn't a rich man. He was a farmer and became a contractor later. It was not easy in my early life, so I did a lot of farming at a site where Edo Textile Mills is now located in Benin. There, I used to plant okro for my father and mother. While I was in primary school, I did a lot of menial jobs to pay school fees and we will get up very early in morning to go and fetch water; so throughout primary school, it was hectic and that is what gave me a bit of courage that the future will be great What gave you the inspiration to study medicine at the University of Ibadan ? I didn't know what medicine was in primary school but I knew people went to hospital. I had a hand injury in 1946 and I was taken to the General Hospital, now Central Hospital Benin, for treatment. I admired people who wore white overall and doctors were like small gods; even nurses, we called them doctors and they would approach you and you treat them with respect. When I went into secondary school in the 1950s, I had the opportunity to be nursed, mothered and cared for by Mrs Esther Ogbe who now runs an orphanage in Benin and she always said I was very caring. And she told me that was the only way I could get the benefit of God. So she encouraged me to do medicine while studing at the Government College, Ugheli in 1956. We were about 32 who wanted to do medicine but only two of us went through, myself and Dr Obiora of Eko Hospital, Lagos. What impact did your growing up had in your life? When you are growing up and people take you as a messenger and you think you are being maltreated, it made me a stronger person. It equipped me for the life to come. I have never grumbled for anything I was asked to do, no matter what it was. I molded the blocks for my house in 1958/64. So, doing what is right gives me joy. I thank my father who always told me that when you work hard, you will never starve and that the sky is you limit, and I have seen it that the sky is my limit. What motivated you to study psychiatry in the university? I had a mentor in the late Prof. Adeoye Lambo who was the Deputy Director General of the World Health Organisation. He encouraged me to do psychiatry and this was aided by the fact that I got a scholarship. By the time I did psychiatry, it was only me in my class. What is the state of research on psychiatry today in the country? We haven't really done much in the field of psychiatry because there is this need for people to grab money. The study of psychiatry depends on human touch and this is even with the revolving-door syndrome. A patient is brought in today and you treat him and he gets better, he fails to take his drugs; in two or three months, he is back in hospital; we call it revolving-door syndrome. It discourages a doctor and it is really made worse if there is a family history of mental illness. It is an open task especially when you realize that about 25 percent of psychiatry cases are family lineage. Do you regret studying this branch of medicine? Yes. You have to do a lot of research. First, you take the pain to go into family history, study the genes and, if you think there is no family history in the management of a psychiatric patient, you are joking. When I took over Uselu Psychiatric Hospital in 1972 as the Medical Director, I discovered that the hospital was standing on its own. So what I did, with the help of the late Senator Olu Akpata, was to open different departments in the hospital so that the mentally ill patient could meet with those who had physical illness and it worked. Except you were told you were there for a particular sickness, you wouldn't know why you were there; you could be treated for malaria, typhoid or pneumonia. Are you in support of Nigerian political office holders undergoing psychiatric test? I buy the idea. I can't see why somebody should steal 1.3 billion government USDollars, that is a sign of madness. And many European leaders have said that there is something basically wrong with the black man. Why will somebody steal the money meant for road construction, school, for building hospitals and pocket it? Money they will not even finish in five generations! So I buy the idea. This idea came up when Hitler came to power in 1937 and he wanted to make sure that people who were going to rule were not greedy. The act of stealing money is greed and it is a form of mental illness. If these people were stealing the money to educate the children of poor citizens, we wouldn't mind; even then it is still stealing. Chieftaincy title I was palace doctor to Oba Akenzua and he gave me several parcels of land which have been encroached upon. He wanted to make me a chief but I refused because I don't really like chieftaincy title. At 80, what are your happiest and saddest moments in life? I am always happy when I receive tributes from those whose school fees I have paid. When I read one of those tributes last night I was surprised. Without people being nice to me I wouldn't have been what I am; so, if I am nice to you I am paying back human debt. My regret, however, is that sometimes you want more from those you have invested so much in and they turn around to show ingratitude. During this birthday period that people were coming to show gratitude, I discovered that those that I invested more on were not forthcoming to say 'thank you'. Source: VanguardNigeria.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

WHO: Ethics guidance to protect rights of TB patients

World health governing body, WHO has recently lunched New tuberculosis (TB) ethics guidance aimed at helping to ensure that countries implementing the End TB Strategy adhere to sound ethical standards to protect the rights of all those affected. According to the body, TB is among the world’s top infectious disease killer, claims 5 000 lives each day. The heaviest burden is carried by communities which already face socio-economic challenges: migrants, refugees, prisoners, ethnic minorities, miners and others working and living in risk-prone settings, and marginalized women, children and older people. Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General pointed out that TB strikes some of the world’s poorest people hardest and stated that WHO is determined to overcome the stigma, discrimination, and other barriers that prevent so many of these people from obtaining the services they so badly need. Poverty, malnutrition, poor housing and sanitation, compounded by other risk factors such as HIV, tobacco, alcohol use and diabetes, can put people at heightened risk of TB and make it harder for them to access care. The Organization noted that More than a third (4.3 million) of people with TB go undiagnosed or unreported, some receive no care at all and others access care of questionable quality. 1 The new guidance addresses issues such as, the isolation of contagious patients, the rights of TB patients in prison, discriminatory policies against migrants affected by TB, among others. It emphasizes five key ethical obligations for governments, health workers, care providers, nongovernmental organizations, researchers and other stakeholders to: 2 provide patients with the social support they need to fulfill their responsibilities refrain from isolating TB patients before exhausting all options to enable treatment adherence and only under very specific conditions 3 enable “key populations” to access same standard of care offered to other citizens 4 ensure all health workers operate in a safe environment 5 rapidly share evidence from research to inform national and global TB policy updates. Source: World Health Organization.

Unicef: 2 million people face hunger in Borne Nigeria

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), An estimated quarter of a million children in Borno state, North-East Nigeria, are faced with shortage of food and are risk with death. This is believed to be caused by humanitarian crisis caused by the Boko Haram emergency. This is disclosed by Walton Beckley, a nutrition specialist with the world body, at the commencement of a training for health workers in the three states of the Northeast on nutrition management aimed at saving 450,000 malnourished children in the IDP camps from dying of malnutrition in 2017. According to Beckley, the exercise was aimed at curbing the rate of malnutrition posed by the Boko Haram crisis in the Northeast. It is likely that one out of five children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in Borno will die if they are not reached with treatment. The UN children’s agency urges all partners to join the humanitarian response and donors to urgently provide resources. "Some 134 children on average will die every day from causes linked to acute malnutrition if the response is not scaled up quickly," said Manuel Fontaine, UNICEF Regional Director for Western and Central Africa, who visited Borno state recently. "We need all partners and donors to step forward to prevent any more children from dying. No one can take on a crisis of this scale alone." Fontaine said "there are 2 million people we are still not able to reach in Borno state, which means that the true scope of this crisis has yet to be revealed to the world". The reported also indicated that UNICEF is working with partners to screen and treat children for malnutrition and improve access to water and sanitation. UNICEF’s humanitarian response also includes providing medical care, immunization, education and psychological support to the children affected by the violence. Sources: Dailytrust