Friday, 9 October 2015

As a graduate in Nigeria>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Nigeria is a blessed country but due to mismanagement of the resources,life looks very hard to survive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>After graduation from the university,you enter another level,that carrying your file from

one place to another looking for help.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As a graduate,you suffer to make ends meet yet people without even

secondary school certificate are the ones handling the top positions in the country,manipulating things, doing the same old >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

things,making some decisions that as a graduate,you perceive as useless ones and letting you know that

getting a degree is nothing compare to what you think.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<No wonder our youths have chosen not to go to

school anymore,everybody is in the business of hustling, trying to see the possibility of getting themselves top

so that they can do what others are doing because they perceive going to school as wasting their precious

time since it is not a necessity for accumulation of wealth and power  >>>>>>>>>

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