>>>>>>>>>>>Mercy killing the killing of someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any
further suffering.<<<<<<<<<<<
death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding medical measures from a person or animal suffering
from an incurable, esp. a painful, disease or condition.>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>the word "EuthanasÃa" is a Greek word which means good death(eu=well or good and thanasia=death).It is done to stop pains and further suffering of a patient.It can be voluntary or non-voluntary.
Voluntary Enthanasia.This is done in agreement with the patient.In this case, the patient must be the one
to approve such before the doctor carries it out
Non-voluntary Enthanasia.In this case,it is done without the patient consent.some conditions may provoke
one do it just to let the pains out.It is usually considered as a murder.Also it can be involuntary which means
it is done against the patient's will.>>>>>>What is you own view about the mercy killing???Do you think it is a good thing especially when it comes to an that has been deteriorating or do you think that the patient should be left alone to suffer?????
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