Tuesday 26 June 2018

What are the reasons one fall in love...

Have you ever asked yourself why you have to fall in love. Falling in love is getting into a beautiful trap set up by nature, a natural occurrence we cannot fight.
Science has tried to detect the basic phenomenon behind it and has concluded at many stages that love is the most alluring feeling in our life aiding us to thrive.

According to the study in the Journal of Social psychology, men fall in love faster, and express it faster.
A study from the Kinsey Institution found that the brain of a person falling in love looks like the brain of a person who has taken cocaine.

According to a science – based study by Arthur Arun, the mind of a person takes average of between 90 seconds to 4 minutes to determine whether it is struck by love or not.
He also highlighted in his study some of the reasons for falling in love such as lover’s voice, statement and choice of word.

A study conducted in University of Southern California among women who were ovulating suggested some prefer the smell of t – shirts worn by men with high level of testosterone.
There is a chemical chain of reaction triggered in our bodies ultimately instigating the feeling of love to strike our minds, according to article published on ExaminedExistence.
It is quite true about the saying that “Love is blind” because you never know the moment your brain will encounter love.

A recent study based on the topic “science behind love” conducted at Rutgers University in USA revealed that there are 3 stages involved in falling in love – which are Lust, Attraction and Attachment and each stage involve different types of chemical reactions within the body (specifically the brain). It is quite true about the saying that “Love is blind” because you never know the moment your brain will encounter love.

Racheal Needle, a licensed psychology and certified sex therapy further pointed out that men generally are seen as less emotional and may not question their emotion as much as women do.

On the other hand, women are often more likely to analyze their feelings and hesitate before saying
‘I Love U’. Thus a man might not actually be in love, but will say it when the feelings are strong and believes that he is.
Research in France also found out musical practice is associated with sexual selection.

According to an experiment at MIT, the proximity of student room increased how close they felt for one another. This can be further explained by – THE MERE EXPOSURE EFFECT – that says familiarity plays a huge role in attraction.

Attraction can also be related to luxury –

According to the study conducted in Cardiff Metropolitan University, men with luxury apartments were rated significantly higher for attractiveness when presented to the female subject.

Another factor can be the way one smiles which is explained by researchers in Switzerland.
According to them, after examining the relationship between attractiveness and happiness found that people’s evaluation of attractiveness was strongly influenced by the intensity of a smile expressed on a face.

Source: examinedexistence.com/why we fall in love
independent.co.uk/12 suprising psychological reasons some one might fall in love
bustle.com/why men fall in love faster according to science

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