Depression may be defined as a psychological disorder showing symptoms such as hopelessness, feeling of unhappiness, worthlessness and poor concentration. Depression sets in gradually and the person may perceive the symptoms but not know that he or, she is suffering from it.
Depression can hinder some one from participation in social functions and even work. Depression takes many different forms and may have symptoms alike.
- >>>>>Major depression- I major depression, the person looses interest in many pleasurable activities.It may be ranging from moderate to severe depression. It may persist for weeks and can last up to six months. It can also be referred to as Major depressive disorder (MDD).
- >>>>>>Dysthymia (Persistence Depressive Disorder)- It is a long term chronic form of depression. The person may experience lose of interest in normal daily activities, feeling of low-esteem, feelining of unhappiness all the time. The person may also loose concentration in making decisions. Though persistent depressive disorder is not as severe as major depression, your current depressed mood may be mild, moderate or severe. It last for a long period of time (about 2 years or more).
- >>>>Bipolar Disorder (usually cal manic depressive illness)- It is characterized by unusual shift in the mood of the person, withe feelings swing back and forth between mania and depression. When manic, people with bipolar disorder feel intensely elated, self-important, energetic, and irritable. When depressed, they experience painful sadness, negative thinking, and indifference to things that used to bring them happiness. This mood shift may last for several weeks.Treatment of this type of depression is usually different as anti-depressant may worsen the case.
- >>>>Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)- This form of depression is associated with the seasonal pattern which is related to winter. Winter can cause many people to experience change in mood, making them a completely different person . It is often due to lesser sunlight from the shorter day.
- >>>>>Postpartum Depression- Some women tend to get depressed after child delivery which is characterized by mood change and difficulty in sleeping. This may be caused by events surrounding the birth or experiences immediately after birth.
The symptoms of depression may vary from person to person but are generally the same.
Surveys indicate that people commonly view depression as a sign of personal weakness, but psychiatrists and psychologists view it as a real illness.
The signs and symptoms of depression are >>>>>>
- Change in appetite and sleep.
- Sudden loss of interest in daily activities
- Weight loss
- Feeling of hopelessness
- Feeling of guilt, hopelessness and helplessness
- Difficulty in concentration, making decision
- Feeling of low-esteem
- Physical symptoms include lots of interest in pleasurable activities such as sex. low libido. Loss of interest in friends.
Depression is for of mental disorder. Most psychologists believe depression results from an interaction between stressful life events and a person’s biological and psychological vulnerabilities. Many factors may contribute to depression which include:
- Genetic factors.
- Physical factors such as abuse, conflict.
- Loss of loved one.
- Stressful events such as pregnancy, divorce.
- Hormonal changes and many others.
The doctors make the diagnosis by getting to know some things about the patient, such by knowing the medical history of the person. Physical examination is usually employed by the physician after which diagnostic evaluation will be conducted.
Depression can be treated with antidepressant medicines, psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or in some cases, the both. The treatment will be narrowed down to the patient's case, since depression varies in individuals. Modification of lifestyle such as physical activities, improved eating habit will also be required to keep the depression in check.
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